
Can Oxycontin in moderation cause addition?

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I started using oxycontin for recreational use about 1 year ago. My first dose was half of an 80 mg pill. For every does after that, I would continue taking about 40 mg. I did so about once a week for several months. Then I realized that my body was building a tolerance to the drug, and that I might need more to achieve the same effect as before. This is where most people would start taking more, but I started taking less. I decreased my does from 40mg down to only 20mg, once a week. I continued with this pattern for several more months, and then decided to try 20mg just once every two weeks! And right now, I'm taking a 6-8 week vacation from all drugs! Then I plan on going back to 20mg of oxycontin every 1 to 2 weeks, for recreational use. I believe that with enough self control, it is possible to use oxycontin for recreation use without becoming addicted. The key is moderation through discipline and control over your mind and actions. Set personal limits early and never exceed them!




  1. call me crazy, but it sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that what you are doing is ok, and you are seeking acceptance of your actions. You really didn't ask a serious question, can it cause addiction, yes. You know it can.

    Control is an illusion, and every person that is addicted to something, drugs, alchohol, whatever it is always thinks "THEY" are better than everyone else, that they can't get addicted, or it won't happen to them, because you are special somehow. Self justification of doing something wrong is still wrong. It will not only effect you later in life, but it will effect the people you love and the ones that love you.

  2. I agree with you. I had to take lorcet for pain for many years. I was careful to never take more than the prescribed amount. I did have to increase it at one time, but learned to break up the tablets to get through the whole day as i became used to them.  I would occasionally cut the dosage in half or skip a day or so.  When i finally got off them, i only had a mild sensations, (nothing worse than it feels like when stopping caffeine) for a very short time. I think if you are careful you will be able to stop them without a major problem.  good luck

  3. you already had an addiction and you were very lucky to be able to reduce it. stay away from that... it ruins lives. really.

    yes, oxycontin can cause addiction in moderation

  4. Yes, you can get addicted. any drug is addictive, even in moderation. get off it permanently. you're not showing self control by only using the drugs every so often, because you're still feeling the ned to use them.

  5. Maybe would cause subtraction.

  6. Addiction is a hard thing to pinpoint. If you feel any signs of addiction, you should quit asap. Ive been through very mild forms of addiction and even those are scary. I suggest extreme moderation with opiates especially. I'm not going to tell you to not do drugs (cause I do), but you should always be careful. Here is a link that may help.

  7. I have to agree with the poster who said your kidding yourself. I used OCs in high school (graduated 02), and we'd do 10mg tablets st that time maybe once a week or so. 40mg is A HUGE dosage to get started on.

    Even if you use just 10mg once a month, you're still going to be in contact with those people who sell them. And people sell them to feed their own addictions. I've done OCs before - plenty of times - but not for over 5 years. But still, when I run into people I knew in high school, they remember that and will ask me. That's when I get upset and leave wherever I'm at. People who use and sell OCs are SHAMELESS. Here's an excerpt from a phone I got about a year after I went to college and was only remotely (VERY remotely) connected to the crowd I did OCs with:

    "Did you hear about Josh?"

    "No - what do you mean?"

    "He passed away last week."

    "WHAT?? HOW???"

    "He OD'd."

    "Oh, my god!!! That's horrible!!"

    "Yeah, I know. OCs."

    "Jesus Christ."

    "Yeah, I know. We're all over here talking about it. Trying to support each other. And Jenna's bringing some 40's to put us all at ease."

    Not kidding. That's a conversation I had with a friend about a friend who passed away on oxys and another friend who was trying to help everyone cope with it by bringing more oxys. People who deal that stuff are so shameless and disgusting.

    No matter what amount your taking or how often your taking it, if you're buying it illegally than your going to have to go through a crowd of shady people who know nothing but how to feed their wallets and addiction. It doesn't matter if you only did .1 mg a month, if you're calling someone for it, they'll know you do it, and they'll try to get you in the loop. It's like a club, really, and once you're in that club, the only mutual interest is shooting up or snorting those pills. They'll call you looking for it, to see if you've heard anything about it around, ask you if you want it, etc., and if you want to avoid addiction then you have to sever those ties completely or at least tell them that you don't do it, you don't want to be around it, and you can't compromise on those beliefs.

    Horrible things happen to oxy addicts, but horrible things also happen AROUND oxy addicts. Whether you're addicted or not, if you're buying OCs from anyone, you're putting yourself in a very dangerous situation.

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