I started using oxycontin for recreational use about 1 year ago. My first dose was half of an 80 mg pill. For every does after that, I would continue taking about 40 mg. I did so about once a week for several months. Then I realized that my body was building a tolerance to the drug, and that I might need more to achieve the same effect as before. This is where most people would start taking more, but I started taking less. I decreased my does from 40mg down to only 20mg, once a week. I continued with this pattern for several more months, and then decided to try 20mg just once every two weeks! And right now, I'm taking a 6-8 week vacation from all drugs! Then I plan on going back to 20mg of oxycontin every 1 to 2 weeks, for recreational use. I believe that with enough self control, it is possible to use oxycontin for recreation use without becoming addicted. The key is moderation through discipline and control over your mind and actions. Set personal limits early and never exceed them!