
Can Royal Titles be bought?

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Example: "Sir.", "Lady"....

And.. is it official?? i mean, real???




  1. Sure pal... Mainly by butt l*****g

  2. Royal titles cannot be bought. You can buy a noble title (a completely different class from royalty), but it's worth about as much as the paper it's written on. Selling "titles" is a popular scam for the gullible.

  3. you can only be royal by birth,its totally different to being a baron or earl or knight,royalty is bloodlines nothing more and nothing less.and no you cannot buy a royal title.

  4. h**l yah.

    If you're talking about Sir, Lady etc.

  5. it can't bought. you can only be a royal by birth or you're bestowed by the king or queen. anyway, a bought tittle is worthless.

  6. sure if you know the right people

  7. Royal titles can only be bestowed or inherited depending on the level of peerage.

    For a while there,that so called German prince married to Zsa Zsa Gabor was selling knighthoods at $10,000.00 a peice.

  8. IMHO those new "bought" titles are fake. They may say they are real, but a genuine royal, noble, or gentry would be born into it, married into it, or knighted into it by the sovereign/monarch.

  9. No you can't buy noble titles. So if your foolish enough to believe what you read on websites etc.

  10. You can buy a 'Von' in Germany, but it take money and contacts.

  11. Titles are valid if they are accepted by other people.  If suddenly everybody on earth believed that Queen Elizabeth II were merely Elizabeth Windsor (or whatever last name) she would cease to be a queen regardless of what she thought of herself. Devine right is BS. (Supreme executive power derives from the mandate of the masses not some farcical  aquatic ceremony )

    So if you start calling yourself King of Kentucky or something and everybody believes it and starts treating you as such, then you're King of Kentucky.

    If you live in a country where there is a monarchy and laws regulating titles, it could be a crime. However if you live in a republic (ie USA) odds are it is just fine and good fun.

  12. A quick goggle reveals that indeed noble titles, such as "sir" and "lady", can.  One web site offers titles for  one easy half payment for $197.

    Some how all of this recalls Mark Twain's "Duke of Bridgewater" in Huckleberry Finn.  Let the buyer beware.

  13. The person ugly and low enough to pursue a line as this is deserving of whatever scam there is. Can someone be your brother or sister or mother for a pricetag ?

    'Sir Blows-a-Lot' would be the name they give you in reality, even if they did take your money and make up some idiot 'title' for you.

  14. Well not bought, but, you can 'transfer' the Principality of Sea land for some $65,000,000 - $500,000,000 which means you also get Royalty.

    OR if you don't have that kind of cash, you can buy Lord,Lady,Baron or Baroness titles from the shop for 29 pounds.

  15. "Royal" titles? Of course not.

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