
Can/Should I report her?

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My cousin has 2 kids, 4 and 20 months.Her 4 year old wets his bed every night, instead of using pullups or a mattress cover she does nothing! He sleeps on a urine soaked bed everynight. He lays in his bed all day watching tv. Both kids go to bed around 2 am. They bite, curse, smack, and throw tantrums all day and all she does is laugh! They call her a B*tch and she just laughs at them! They eat absolutely NO REAL FOOD! Everything they eat comes out of a box! LITERALLY! They eat no fruit or veggies.. EVER! All they drink is sweet tea (and I mean SWEET)and soda. I know alot of kids eats this kinds of c**p, but they have no choice. This is all she offers them. WHen the 20mnth old is hungry she gives him soda or sweet tea in a bottle.He wakes up at least twice a night and she gives hima bottle of tea!He has only gained 1lb in the past 8 mnths.She doesn't give them milk or water at all! They're sick ALL the TIME! She lies to their DR. when she takes them. There is much more but it wont fit.




  1. Yeah if it's that bad definetly ring social services, (ask directory enquires) every child deserves a good enviornment to grow up in and to have a decent start in life............

  2. Yes, you can report her.  It sounds like neglect.  You can do it anonymously if you prefer.

  3. she needs to be reported but she will lose her kids at least for a while

  4. omggg. you definitly need to do something for these kids! that is a veryyy unhealthy and horrible environment for those children! i definitly would look into getting some help from the police. thats terrible. i hope you can do something. the police can go to her house and talk to her and figure out whats going on and get the children in a foster home. i would also find a way to contact her doctor and talk to him personally about whats going on as well.

  5. report her, shes unfit. god it f****ed up these days. shes not a fit mother shes a lazy mother.

  6. this is so sad I do not know what to tell you....Becuase it really doesnt abusive.....Neglectfull yes, but abusive, no....

    do you think that your cousin needs psychological help? maybe she is depressed? and in some awful way this is harming her kids....

    Do you think that the kids will be better off in an orphanage? or in foster care? I am just afraid that in these places will suffer way more than neglect......but I dont know...sounds terrible for you, since you are the one that has to make the ultimate desicion and live with it!

    I mean I dont know but Ido wish you the best of luck with this situation.

  7. instead of reporting her why dont your help her sound like a better solution to me maybe she just needs a helping hand

  8. Have you tried talking to her??? How old is she??? I know these are questions for a question but they are important factors in all this. Confrontation by family is way more effective than the state stepping in...the kids will just be shuffled around and end up God knows where. If you truly care about the children you would intervene and quick. If she can not respond to a loving family member who is concerned solely about the children then maybe more legal actions should take place. I mean she needs some in her face confrontation about what everyone else see's with her children. I am not trying to come off on you in anyway please do not think that I just want you to know that there are a lot of other things that really need to take *lace before the state is involved. It is important that you report it with full evidence if you do because if you don't  then the state has no case she keeps her kids hates all of you and then you will not be able to even help the children. I wish the children the best and hope and pray that everything turns out alright....

  9. Please do! That is not healthy for the kids! Especially the one that lays in a bed of urine. That could turn into a horrible infection and by the way she sounds, I doubt she would even take him in to get him checked out. These kids need a chance...You will be doing them a HUGE favor.

  10. Tell her mother and Grand parents and Aunts about the situation, someone may adopt them. If you call her in, they may end up with a foster family.

  11. First of all, sit down with your cousin and tell her things need to change. She might not know what shes doing is wrong. If things dont change in a week or so, report her to child services and dont feel guilty one bit. Its good that you are taking a charge, and the kids need someone to help them. Good luck.

  12. Appalling.  Yes, instantly report her.  I am not sure of the name of the organisation you would report her to as I am in Australia - I think it may be Child Protective Services (I've heard people use that name on American TV hahahaha

    It may be that she needs to attend parenting classes.  She may not be a bad person, but she is certainly behaving like a bad parent.  It sounds to me like a lack of education on how to parent her children.   Your child protective services offer parenting classes I believe, so only good could come of it for her children.   I don't think they'd take the kids off her if she took these classes and was better educated on how to care for her children.

    She may be ticked off, but as I understand it, you can make an anonymous report.

  13. I WOULD CALL CPS/DHS A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!! i called cps/dhs on my neighbor bacause she  would NOT clean she would have mold on the floor where her kids would throw food on the floor and dirty clothes and was sick but it took 2 times for her to finally get that she is sick and needs to clean before she gets her kids taken away..but on this note CALL CPS/DHS A.S.A.P your only looking out for the kids well being....good luck

    cps is child protective services dhs is department of human services

  14. What about her family?  Does she work?  Can the kids go to child care a couple of afternoons a week?

  15. One of my family members was in the same situation with a friend of hers who acted in the same manner as your cousin. She called CPS and they made an unscheduled home visit, after noting what needed to change, they gave her a deadline to do this and kept her information on file, and they continue to make random visits to ensure that she is conforming to those guidelines. If she's willing to make changes, then she doesn't need to lose her children. CPS will do what they can to help her change before removing the children. I would, at least, talk to them and find out what the procedure it (it may be different where you live)

  16. OMG please report her those children need to be taken care of!!! Maybe talk to your doctor about what they would do if they had seen it... Just please do something!!! Maybe in the mean while you could 'give her a day off' and while she is out take care of the 4yrs bed and sheets and get him a packet of pull ups. and maybe some rash cream and wet ones for the nappy rash? and then just leave them there and hope!!!

  17. I am a mother of four aged, 6,4,2 and 5 mths, the children need better than that - its for the children!

  18. If i were you i would call child protection service immediately weather she liked it or not . Because those children don't no any better and they didn't ask to be here. If you cared anything about the children please call right now. It's for there own health and safety. TAKE CARE

  19. Well you can not really tell a parent what to feed thier kids and either can child protective....  However if the older one is sleeping in a urine soaked bed I would certainly report that.  That is just so gross...  and they could become very very very

    sick from that....  Or maybe even die...

  20. If you cared so much why has this been going on for so long?

    You have your own would you do this to your 's she is in serious need of counseling, and partenting classes, she may be young , but it is time for her to learn, call an agency, that can get her help, and be a friend stay with her kid's until she is ok.

    And she may never have to lose the children, if you are a willing , guardian, because calling child protective services will only take them away , and to find them again will be worst than looking for them in a haystack GOOD LUCK ON THIS"

  21. Try to talk to her if it does not work then report her dont let this continue

  22. I would call CPS.  If you feel that the kids are in immediate danger, you may think about calling 911 and asking them to do a welfare check on the children.  Your cousin is NOT taking care of these children, you really do need to report her.

  23. You are a bad person if you do not turn them in....

    Them children are suffering....Why would you even think twice about this....They are NOT parents....You need to make the right decision and turn them in....h**l give me there names and address and i will do it for you...along with a cope of this letter! They do not deserve those kids, and i pray they do get them taken away....and giving a life, a real chance!

    This just completely breaks my heart to hear that people can actually be like....Call Child Protective Custody or your local Social workers office.....Do it now....How would will you feel it something even more terrible happens to one of those babies.......You will be just as much to blame because you didn't do anything, you just sat by and watched....Do the right thing here make that call!!!!!!

  24. Absolutely 100% report her. No if's and's or but's. It's what is best for the kids.

  25. Can you report her?  Probably.  Should you?  I would try and help the mom out by showing her that food exists beyond the box.  Try showing her how to make a sandwich.  Maybe you can give her and the children a bowl of fruit.  Show her that she can simply peel the skin of fruit and vegetables and just purchase dip or yogurt.

  26. report her and have someone else in the family take the kids that way they wont be split up!! also if i was in ur position i would beat her a**!!!!! but thats just me LOL!!

  27. you can 100% report her. The kids need to be taken care of and if she is not doing her job well she is going to suffer

  28. I would do it i am a mother of two boys and a 13 month old girl she gives the baby soda or tea no way no turn her in PLEASE turn her *** in (sorry)  for the sack of those kids how much does that  baby weigh my 13 month old weighs 22 pounds and is 31 inches long.

  29. I am in a very similar situation.  It's awful isn't it.  You don't know what to do.  I know exactly how you feel.  My sister in law is the same way.  We finally sat down with her and her husband and they just got mad and  started screaming and yelling and it turned into a "HUGE" argument.  So after trying to calmly talk to them and they wouldn't listen we finally decided to threaten to them that we would call DHR.  In the past two weeks they have made some sort of changes, they are still very dependent and now won't let us in.  We try to keep an eye on them but it's now harder.  We don't regret anything we said to them about it all.  They don't like us and are trying to cut us out of their lives.  But we are pushing our way back in.  In my opinion if social services is called, they are most likely going to just show up and do evaluations.  They aren't going to just show up and take the kids unless they feel they are in immediate danger, then it gives them time to straighten up and they start monthly drop bys.  I have lots of situations that I'm in.  If you would like to talk more personally about this I would love tohelp you out.  You are more than welcome to email me.  Thanks and hope the best for you.

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