
Can TEEnAgErS live AlOnE?

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can teens like live alone in an apartment or something

and have a job

and get money from their family or the government

like say my fam is moving can i dont want to can i get a apartment and live there with benefits from the government??

like over the age 16??




  1. Not legally you can't. To live out on you own legally you must be 18. But if you can lay low and not get in trouble until your 18 and your parents are fine with you staying behind, the I suppose u cud do it illegally.  

  2. yea my step mom

    moved out when she was 16

    she just worked too

    but you can get emancipated and stuff

    or have your parents send you money too

    idk about the government

  3. Yeah live off the gov. you low life get an education and a job!!! Live off tax payers they should shoot the likes of you and all that follow in your foot steps. What kind of generation is this lazy good for nothings!  

  4. You would have to be legally emancipated from your parents.   Would you be eligible to receive government financial aid?  I seriously doubt it unless you are disabled in some manner and can be proven with medical evidence.  The government will expect you to earn your living as an adult since you legally want to be recognized as an adult.

  5. you have to be at leastt 18 i thinkk .  

  6. yeah it's possible but you probably have to be emancipated from your family and you have to have a valid reason for getting emancipated. also by the time you get emancipated you'll probably be 18 or at least close to 18 and you really won't receive the benefits of being emancipated.

  7. Not until you are 18 and there are no government benefits.  If you want to live on your own you have to be an adult and find you own way to pay (like a job).

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