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Why when you get delivered pizza:

The box is square

The pizza is round

and the slices are triangular?




  1. cause its easy to carry a square box(as apposed to a circle one)

    a round pizza cause some people sit in any wich way around a table (now they can grab one from any angle)

    and triangle slices cause thats the easiest way to cut equal pieces

  2. Because ice cream has no bones, of course, silly!

  3. The box is spuare because its easier to make than a round box, the pizza is round because its easier to make than a square pizza, and the slices are triangular because its easier to cut a round pizza in triangles than squares.

  4. so your pizza is protected

    cuz it looks cool

    so everyone gets the same amount.

    and to add variety to life!  

  5. so its easier to get a slice out of the box and who doesn't like triangles......

  6. In St. Louis most St. Louis style pizza is cut in rectangles, but the pizza is still round. and pizza isn't cut into triangles because the crust is round.  triangles have 3 strait sides.

  7. ummm.... i guess the box is square cause its a box. im not sure why the pizza is a circle, prob just easier for the pizza guys. but im pretty sure that the slices are triangular in an attempt to make equal sized slices. all they do is cut diameters across the pizza.

  8. Because the way the slices are cut.

  9. call the pizza police they MIGHT know theres a slight chance the wont.

  10. because thats how the pizza is.

  11. the box is square so the pizzas wont move around to much.

    is round because what other way can you make it.

    and the slices are triangular so each slice is the same size

  12. LOL that's a good point! I never really thought of that...

    Oh, and tifanilo, I think it's supposed to be like a joke/riddle kind of thing.

  13. lol i never saw lol

    answer mine??;...

  14. A square box is easiest to make, therefore, cheapest.

    A round pizza is easiest to make.

    A round pizza is easily sliced across, making triangles.

    Good observation though...

  15. its just how it is & sometimes the box is squared like dominos

  16. Because the pizza people like to invest their time in making all sorts of shapes.

  17. Man, I could really go for some pizza right now!

  18. They aren't triangular.  triangles have 3 flat sides.

  19. yes im answering it right now.

  20. whats the question? everything you said was true.

  21. Brilliant observation, Rizin

  22. I don't know, but I love riddles.

    That ones hard!

    I know it's not much of a help, but I wanted my points! (sorry..)

  23. look at the leaning tower of Pisa, geometry doesn't seem to have been the Italians strong point!

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