
Can a employer say this?

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I attended an interview for a flexible part time(can say full time also) web developer job, and i realised the company was too small and the working environment was quite bad and i realised that the salary for the job is too low for after asking many people.

I was selected and i was asked when i could start. I replied the employer some excuse that i decided to finish my studies before working and will be better to commit for longer time.

The employer talked well to me and all all the while. But the thing he told me for the reply i gave sounded very sarcastic and not nice.

he said "its ok, but next time when you attend other interviews at big companies dont do this because they will blacklist you for saying you cant commit."

Isnt it the employee's choice?

Do we neccessarily have to go for a job we attended interview?

Doesnt sound logic to me. I cant possibly say the true reason i rejected i didnt want to be blunt by saying working environment not gd and your company too small and unprofessional than i thought.

What do you think?




  1. You're fine.  I did the same thing before but not as forward as you did which in my opinion is not bad at all.  In my case, I simply said that the offer is not as I have expected. Please give me a couple of days to think about it.  But as soon as I got home, I emailed the employer rejecting his offer saying it was not impressive enough.  True that employers dont want to spend time to employees who dont want to commit but that is their risk!

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  2. You simply gave the wrong answer.  You sounded like you were wasting the employer's time.

    You should have said that after learning more about the job, it wasn't a good fit for you.  That's your right as a job-seeker.  Instead you came across as flaky, not knowing if you even wanted a job.

    You goofed.

  3. next time be professional and don't feed them bs.  

  4. I think he was trying to be nice yes, i shud b the employees choice but if you wont b able to commit most employees would choose not to use you x


  5. You dolt, you lie to the guy and you wonder why he called you on it?

    According to your lie, you wasted HIS time interviewing a candidate who just wanted to see what the job would pay, have a pratice interview, but not actually take the job.  Of course he's mad.  He has to work overtime to make up for the time he spent with you.

    You could have said the truth.  But no, you were a wimp.

    I didn't realize the salary offer would be X.  I believe the job should pay Y.

    I appreciate your taking the time to interview me.  However, in visiting your personnel in area X, I realize that (insert bad job situation, like excess overtime) is the norm here.  I can't be available to work that much overtime.  

    My long term goal is work on Z projects.  Your firm doesn't seem to be a powerhouse in this area.

    Anything would have been better than your wimpy, I guess I'll stay in school.

  6. You seem to be in the same position I was a few weeks ago. I had two interviews with two different people in the company and both were extremely pleased as I could see it. Both interviewers told me that I was the best candidate of all they had met (not boasting) and they asked me to start as soon as possible. It was a position of receptionist. I was shocked at the fabulous salary and perks they were offering and readily signed the contract. They began training me and I realized a few days later that I was actually hired to be office manager and was having training for that .It was not something I was interested in as i was looking for something with less responsibility. They felt I had potential. Considering it was a officer managers position I realized that the BIG salary was actually not that big, although it was great for a receptionist. I pulled out of my contract in 3 days and they were very upset insinuating that I had wasted their time. I felt they had mis-represented the position and that i was fooled into believing that it was a simple job with a huge salary. Dont feel bad about leaving them or letting them down. They deserve it.

  7. who cares.  If he feels he wasted his time oh well.  If you feel you wasted your time then you did.  he was just being a jerk.. don't mind him.  it's not like you have to work for him or them anyways,  chalk this up as a learning experience and move on.

  8. No you do not have to take a job just because you went to an interview.  Sounds to me like the employer was just giving you a reasonable piece of advice.  You waste an employers time when you apply for a job and sit through and interview then can't commit to a job.  I see no reason why you thought you had to lie about the reason for not wanting the job.  There is nothing wrong with turning down a job and saying the honest reasons why you turned it down.  Apparently you are new to this type of job, since you didn't know the salary was low until you asked other people, but you are just starting out.  An employer is not going to pay a "newbie" as much as they would someone who has years of experience.  

  9. no you do not have to take a job you go for an interview at.. The interview is for you to check them out just as much as it is them.. and if you dont like it you dont take it. He was just being a jerk.

  10. It is frustrating for employers to interview people only to have them turn down the job, but don't forget that you are interviewing the company while they are interviewing you.  If you didn't have a good feeling about the company, salary, etc., it's perfectly fine to turn down the job.  I know you were probably making up the excuse to remain professional and avoid bad-mouthing the company, but in the future you should be able to say the salary was too low or that the job isn't quite what you were looking for.  

  11. just giving you some free advice, you can take it or leave it. employers don't like to waste time on people who can not commit to a job.

  12. You have posted your question under law and legal.  If you are asking if the interviewer did anything illegal, no he didn't.  He was just trying to give you advice.  Most people wouldn't do that if someone rejected their offer, they'd just go on to the next preferred candidate, but there's nothing illegal about it.

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