
Can a girl get aids from...?

by  |  earlier

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If you have aids and you ejaculate in her mouth can she get aids from the s***n on the mucous membranes in her mouth? What happens if she swallows it?




  1. YES! didnt you take s*x ed!

  2. Yes, aids are transferable through any body fluid such as blood or in this case, s***n.  

  3. yea, they can, but it turns her stomach into a magical beanstalk seed, and if you plant it you can go steal the giants eggs. and i'm not talking about golden eggs if you catch my drift.....

  4. Yes, HIV can be contracted orally via sexual secretions. Swallowing is irrelevant.

  5. yes  

  6. if she swallows she'll get aids, if you nut in her mouth she'll get aids. any contact w/ bodily fluid will most likely give her aids but i don't think spit does.

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