
Can a man live without women ?

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Can a man live without women ?




  1. umm i heard some people do...they are still happy.

    God said Women are the best things to have in the whole wide world as long u give them respect.

    some men had hard times...but it is possible.

  2. Of course.

  3. NO ..

    They CaNnOt live without women  

  4. Of course not. We give life, we start the world. they may be mean and cruel and at times seem like they have no heart, but they need us... and we need them

  5. GOD gave men woman so its natural to want a woman, or you will feel unbalanced. That's like a child without parents!

  6. Why Not ?!

    calm , peaceful life :-P

    no Man on earth will commit any crime

    he will never steal money because he got no Wife whose financial requests have no limit !

    he will never kill another man because of adultery or jealousy !

    he will never look at a foreign woman's body .

    he will never upset his parents because his wife don't like the day they go together to visit them :-)

  7. im doing ok so far

  8. Not in a functioning capacity.

  9. women create lots of problems in a man's life. if a guy is not planning on having children then there is no reason to stick around.  

  10. many men have and do.

    but not me..i like you all to much.

  11. as i know,lots of monks can do it quite well..

  12. yes, with courage and good cooking skills he can do anything

  13. I guess they can. I'm not quite sure

  14. yes, but unhappily.  

  15. Nope.

    You smell nice.

    I'd miss that.

  16. yes. but the fact that we are human and it is in a mans nature that he has a desire and a want for a companion to carry on his genes and a nurturer makes it hard to not have women.  

  17. No they CANNOT.

    look to them after marriage, their clothes are more cleaner, looking handsome, calmer and they get their stuff prepared n always ready but before marriage they r h**l :p:p:p

    welcome thumbs down

  18. I don't think so

  19. i can't answer for all "men", but i can't..

  20. technically....they can, and by technically I mean that they can cook, work, travel, ..etc.. but eventually they won't last long. Allah had created us of two genders to mate and help each other go through life. when it comes to emotions, there are certian things that a woman can only provide, and the same goes to the man. this is one of the reasons why they complete each other.

  21. Sure he can, But will he be happy!!!

    This is the Question.

  22. well yes.

    but thats not to say a man would want to.

  23. only a wise man can. At least he won't have a lot of drama in his life

  24. No

  25. No way!

    He'd be lost.

  26. The good partner is a gift from God.

    The man may live without women similar to a man living without his nose, tongue or ears. I can't imagine living without those senses.

  27. i will almost repeat what i mentioned earlier in the other question

    but men usually seek self-affirmation through career ambitions and efforts.

    so the main point is to live with a wife who appreciates his dream and support him for it. and this what makes him willing to payback for her and their kids emotionally and terms of matter.

    a man is a tree that can stand up for himself and for others. and  needs to be appreciated for being a tree. but if it didn't happen he can still feel himself

    woman sometimes limit themselves in the circle of demanding not more. so men sometimes don't want to deform their dreams their tree branches for a woman...

    men dont want a woman who is viewed as "a dreamkiller"

    but finding a woman whom you feel calm inside while you are with her makes this tree flourish more and get wider branches.

    after all yes i think a man can live without a woman. with prior intention. as long as he cant find a woman who enjoy his tree shadow.


    to compare my answer to my privous one:

    i can say a man is always a tree, while a woman is a flower and a tree at the same time

    a tree can not be taken away, you have to seek it, and the more you take care of it and clean it the longer it will live and the wider branches it will be

    but a flower can be taken away, but if you didnt give the appropriate attention and careness it will decay so soon. and soon you will lose her smell and her shiny colors.

  28. He can and also he can't,I am not a crazy girl but i mean that :

    He can when he don't think in love or in family only in a good job and a large number of money in a famous bank.So he can live and continue his life without she.

    He can't when he think in love,wife and family.Also he think in good job and good future.

    It depends on the man.

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