
Can a paedophile be prevented?

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Just a thought.

The creep called the 'librarian' who was caught in the link below says 'he knows his thinking is wrong'.

Surely there could be some sort of behavioural modification therapy that people who 'know they are thinking wrong' could attend to curb their vile tendencies instead of just indulging themselves. My point is that this compulsive behaviour. If the perpetrator knows this behaviour is wrong he may want to prevent it & should be given resources to curb that behaviour. Too often he is too ashamed & just goes on right ahead.

Don't get me wrong, i don't speak of paedos who abuse children. They deserve the worse punishment possible.

i speak of those weak & misguided people who are on their way to become paedos...they know that the path they are on is wrong.

What if society gave them some sort of path to correct their way of thinking BEFORE they start the abuse? It could be anonymous, perhaps on the net itself...a tool/ device to drill it into their thick skulls the damage & misery that their actions will cause to innocents.

It could give them alternative methods of, meditation perhaps.

Just a thought, because with all the hate against Gary Glitter & the libararian...

i figured prevention is better than cure...(which there isn't in these cases...they need to be locked up for life.)




  1. they should all be locked up

  2. No they cant it is their nature unfortunately, but we could exterminate them at the earliest opportunity, it will never be acceptable to corrupt and abuse children 'What is innocence'.

  3. Chemical Castration.

    It's not permanent so it doesn't infringe on anyone's human rights, but it prevents the perpetrator from commiting another crime.

    It should be implemented IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. Paedophiles don't stay in prison for life and the death penalty is 'inhumane', unfortunately - so Chemical Castration is our next best option.

  4. I'm sure you'd need experts to answer this question.  I know a few abused children - including my own two sons who were molested by a neighbour - and the damage that paedophiles do is immeasurable.  Not only to the children themselves, but also the families who are often torn apart, just when a child needs that stability the most.

    I have often wondered why paedophiles become so - certainly the man who molested my sons watched p**n, what was it about two boys aged 13 and 10 that turned him on?

    My friend's daughter - what was it that made a loving and doting grandfather, happily married, abuse a five year old?

    Or someone I once knew - what made her rapist turn on her when she was 18 months old?

    I have two thoughts - I watched a programme on fetishes and one man began his shoe fetish when he saw a woman in stockings and red high heel shoes when he was about three.  Something clicked, and stayed with him.  Is it possible that these men are boys who fell became sexually aware at a young age and simply stayed attracted to girls who they saw as no threat?

    I don't know - I see a young man as a child, not as a sexual object.  Men have always preferred younger women, are some unable to see the difference between a child and a woman?

    The other programme I saw was about paedophiles and castration.  Apparently for some it is an uncontrollable urge - which is extremely worrying as paedophiles are released back into society.  Chemical castration did seem to help some, but not all.  One described it as sheer relief to no longer have these monstrous uncontrollable urges.  

    To treat someone you'd have to either have them commit a crime, or have them admit to a tendency to perpetrate that crime.  And I'm sure most would be in denial, believing it is something they could control.  Until the unthinkable happened.  And if you weren't caught, you'd either have to turn yourself in, or find comfort somewhere else.  And where better than with a bunch of friends who think like you?

    It is an awful crime, and because of the sheer horror of it, most of us can't comprehend it.

  5. Yes and one day they will come for us too.

    We are on a slippery slope when we start convicting people who might be thinking of doing something illegal.  I have already seen an answer on Y!A suggesting that since many abusers are husbands and fathers, then as a precaution all men should be punished for what some feminist decides they, as men, might be thinking of doing.

    All it needs then is for someone to point out that the majority of physical assaults on children are done by women, and they too should be placed under constant suspicion.

    This whole direction of thinking is getting quite evil, and I really believe poses far more of a threat to society than the odd handful of deviants.

    Here is a question I asked which should consider the question:

    The Best Answerer added this comment privately:

    "From: senlin

    Subject: Follow up to your question.

    Message: I'm not an expert on pedophilia - if that's what we want to call the rock star who is attracted to underage girls. But it might be possible for rock star to find a really young looking 20 year old who was sexually desirable. The problem is that she would eventually get "old" and the attraction would likely wane. I suppose he could then start looking for a new one. But most paraphilias, are really entrenched and there may be things other than the physical attributes that rock star finds attractive - the "innocence" for example. I suspect he would always be fighting his urges. Interesting question. Cheers!"

    Couldn't innocence (or at least civility) too be replicated in the legal consenting adult?  Or considering the specimens of such creatures here, is that too much to ask?

  6. The brains of paedophiles,serial killers etc are 'wired' differently to the 'normal' brain.No amount of therapy will ever change them.  

  7. that's their sexual preference... its sick and weird... could you stop a straight man from sleeping with women... it would be very difficult  

  8. PC prats are to blame for a lot of this paedophilia mania. They've ensured that anyone who works with children is a threat if you hug or comfort a distressed human child even if it is a natural instinct and not anything to do with s*x. In fact anybody who attributes hugging a child with s*x is seriously disturbed in my eyes and should be locked up with the sickos.

    The paedophiles are having a field day with this melodramatic nonsense as it makes their job easier in a sense. There is a drug out there that supposedly prevents males from having an erection again, I think that it should be done on people such as this and they should never be allowed to leave prison. Harsher punishments should be put in place because this is one of the sickest kinds of crime ever.

    The media shouldn't glorify it either for they do hype it up and some twisted people would get a thrill out of that kind of publicity. If the symptoms are displayed in anyone somehow then they should be dealt with asap before it gets too late. But there is a massive difference between helping a child and harming a child. Helping is a natural thing where you assist a child without thinking of them as anything but a child. Harming is an entirely different matter and I can't understand why anybody would do that to an innocent child.

    Sorry, but I stick to my original thread, PC is to blame for a lot of this as nobody knows what they can and can't do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. All the experts in the field say that the answer is currently NO!!

    There is a certain amount of success but that is down to physical checks, restraint on movement etc rather than treatment.

    Indeed many say that whilst they know it is wrong they know they will be a risk to children for ever because they realize they lack the ability to control their urges so all that is needed is for the opportunity to crop up!!

    Chemical castration as someone suggested has been proved absolutely not to work and the pedophile actually commits more torturous abuse because they cannot get full satisfaction making the victims suffer far worse!!

    The only solution is still for parents and adults around children to be aware of the dangers and never leave their children vulnerable!!

  10. Theres no point trying to have a rational debate about paedophelia here .........

  11. once a paedo always a paedo, once they are found out they should never be allowed on the streets again whether they have committed the dispicable crime or not, no amounts of yoga or meditation will cure these sickos.  

  12. I wonder if Faith's religious at all.

  13. i always wonder if it is 'nature or nurture' (yeah age old arguement..) ???

    I don't actually believe you can 'help' them.. they will either do it or not.. x

  14. i think it should be ONE STRIKE AND YOUR OUT . you cannot reform these freaks. id rather see them dead. all of them !!!!!

  15. When this comes up I present these two scenarios:

    Case 1: Guy picks up an sleeps with a girl . She looks 18 , says she's 18 but really she's 12.

    Case 2: Guy looks for finds  and sleeps with a girl . She looks 12 , says she's 12 but really she's 18.

    Who is the paedophile:

    Then there are the guys who go for real children (ie below 10) , who I'm afraid , I think should just be put down.

    I dont think the condition can be prevented

  16. Hello Faith,  paedophiles have the greatest incidence of recidivism of all criminals.  Rarely do they admit that what they do is wrong.  They are, however, able to mouth the right words to get them off the hook.

    Under current British Law, a paedophile is cautioned up to 3 times before arrest, and then may only receive a jail sentence of up to 3 years - out in 18 months.  This may occur 2 or three times before a sentence of 5 years is imposed - again release in 3 to 4 years.  To receive ANY kind of medical help, a paedophile has to have SERVED a minimum of 5 years, so you can imagine how many arrests/offenses/ sentences they will have to have committed to be serving 5 years +

    I heard of a paedophile who had realised after a long, hard, chequered "career" of offending and prison, that he was at odds with society and requested physical castration.  He said that on his release, he could not guarantee that he would take the medication that restrained his activities and would re-offend, so he wanted to be castrated.  The State said, "No"! - he was released.

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