
Can a virus...?

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can a virus physically hurt your computer?




  1. Some virus. But actually, it is the software that is mostly targeted.

  2. Yes I think they call it "crash". Virus make your computer crash.

  3. it could run your hard drive really hard and wear it out by docking and un docking the head thousands of times.

  4. no it cant break the hard drive, video card, audio cards will use up so much memory(RAM) that eventually Windows Will Crash..hard drives have a fixed speed i dont think that there is any software that can modify that

  5. Yes, but as soon as you hear it sniffling and sneezing you can quarantine it (take it offline) and give it plenty of good help.

    There are bios viri, and there are 'thermal runaway' viri, and as mentioned there are those that can wear out your hard drive. The biggest physical threat to your computer comes if you live near a swimming pool or on a second floor. The virus might infect your anger program.

    edit: ahhhh, a thumbs down. I was smart aleck in part of my answer, but yes, a virus CAN toast your computer as explained.

    Elvis had a teevee with a bullet hole, I've sledgehammered more than one computer, and some people throw them out the window, or into a pool. No kidding!
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