
Can a woman be a womanizer?

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In movies and on T.V you often see women who start to date other women because they feel that they understand them better or treat them better then men would or what ever the case may be. But I had a friend who was bi and to be honest she saw women as pieces of meat. I was shock by some of the things she said, she sounded just like like any sleazy guy I ever met and had a luv em and leave em attitude to girls. Something that coincidently she did not have in regards to men. So basically my question is can women womanize? Or do you think its the influence of bad guys that make some women do things like that. This is certainly said about women that sexually assault other women, more frequent that women sexually assaulting guys.




  1. i dont see why not

  2. Sure... Ever hear of L*****n rape?

    But the mind set of a "piece of meat" might come from disassociation. The "player" type person wants to feel the lust but they do not want to feel the burn, so they objectify there target. Oddly in a similar manner that some serial killers do.....

  3. I think that it's completely possible.  The borders surrounding expectations in society and gender are starting to blur more often and individuals who have 'come out' finding it a lot more socially acceptable.

    I don't think it's something that can be attributed to males.  I think it's more of a sociological question though.

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