
Can a woman live without men?

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Can a woman live without men?




  1. not according to the woman i boned last night.

  2. Yes......we can.

    men are only needed to procreate...but.  nowadays that can be do in a probete. We live in a "machist" society where everything seem to go aroung a man. That is not true.

    we only need guys to make us a baby....besides that, they are totally useless, although they think that are  the king of the universe.

    We dont need more than out kids' love. parents are totally prescindible ones.

    They are always moody..........shouting..........want to be served, and still beleieve that can cheat without consecuences. Who do need a specimen like that?

    I should live very happy without any of that  by my side.

  3. Yes, but it would be a boring life!

  4. Of course we can, we're strong  

  5. Of Course,, Men usually just sit around all day anway

  6. what sort of living you would choose you can live specially if you belong to group of free woman community

    that is to say sure you can live with out man

    just simple you ought to point what do you need man for

    as a channel that you get spores to breed

    you do not need man here /you can buy them of some markets and you might choose the details of the origin

    do you need man for s*x

    there are now s*x machines it can come any thing you order full doll size or vibrator and this has many advantages such as it works on a button you can switch it on or switch it off whenever

    money spend

    you do not need man to spend on you


    you do not need man to that you have this turkish episodes

    so show me for a liberated woman who believes in "get them off" one single reason why she needs a man???

  7. yes, she can. here i am ! zei el- ful :)

    Besides when a woman becomes a widow she doesn't remarry [only for certain cases], while theman rarely does so [if not maysaddaq!] ALSO for certain cases..


    but in retrospect, we both are in need for each other.  me too!

  8. a woman is motivated in life through a number of consequent rules in her life.

    her study efforts, her career ambition

    however those can not hide her other needs:

    her need to feel she is a woman which involve the existence of another loving man.

    her need to feel giving and care of another which involves to be a mother.

    even her career progress needs to be appreciated from her man and from her kids.

    she needs to feel like a FLOWER in some part of her life, where she needs attention combined with facination and passion, other times she needs to feel like tree in the family where she can provide greenry and shadow. and her neat branches that allow little sun-rays that shine the family heart.

    i think no a woman can not live without a man with prior intention and well to choose to..

    but yes she can live by herself if she couldn't find her dream. because although it is a dream it still motivates her for hope. instead of getting married to someone and still feel lonely while he is around. this a real nightmare.


    to compare my answer to the other one:

    i can say a man is always a tree, while a woman is a flower and a tree at the same time

    a tree can not be taken away, you have to seek it, and the more you take care of it and clean it the longer it will live and the wider branches it will be

    but a flower can be taken away, but if you didnt give the appropriate attention and careness it will decay so soon. and soon you will lose her smell and her shiny colors.

  9. Yes we can but why would we want to there is noting better than being in love and sharing your life with someone.  

  10. I think women can , but  some women can't face life events without a man

  11. yes, sometimes its even more fun being single.

    we're survivors!

  12. how i would have loved that. It would leave me to enjot a very peaceful existence without the unnecessary female clinginess

  13. I can still be alive without men around.. its not like they supply oxygen! I wont call it a happy or fulfilling life though! I atleast want a baby..  

  14. Only feminists can!

  15. Easily.  

  16. recent decade women can brick the rocks !

  17. Absolutely. You can have women friends who are always there to support you. Sure its nice to have a man but the right man..and that is not easy so you are better off being your own person and not answering to any man!

  18. yes

  19. Sure she can, But will she be happy!!!

    This is the Question.  

  20. Yes. I have lived without a woman for over 20 years. Mind over matter. Not saying that is not a right person out there for us all. Today the values seem to be way out of wack. It is also nice to have someone to share life with but, I am living proof it can be done.

  21. If you really wanted to, yes.

  22. yes sure i can live without men  

  23. she can , but it wouldn't be a happy life

  24. not in egypt. or else she would feel ugly and unwanted. anyway there are alternatives.  

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