
Can adipex affect ovulation?

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This is our first month looking for babies, before that I was protected by an IUD, which does not affect ovulation like pills etc etc. A year ago I was a little overweight like 10 lbs and I started on adipex coz a friend recommended it to me, but this med is really addictive and I have been taking it from time to time about a year because I shed like 20 lbs and I didn't expect that result, I was wow from size 8 to a 4 amazing right? Well now that my hubby and I want to conceive I am concerned because I am not ovulating when I am supposed to. My cycle is 28 days sharp and it started on July 24, according to the calendar I was going to ovulate on 8/7, and I started testing on 8/4. Today is 8/8 and still I get a negative result. I bought 2 different ovulating kits one cheap and another expensive and I have been trying both and they are consistant in the result (-) I have even been taking my temp since 8/4 with a result of 98.5 until the 8/7 that it dropped to 97.9 in the morning and 97.5 in the afternoon and it is said that when you have a significant drop in the temp and next day it is high again, then you started ovulating. So I thought that today 8/8 I was going to ovulate but came out neg againg this morning and my temp was 97.5 again. Maybe it is the adipex, and in the warning says the following: Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility: Studies have not been performed with ADIPEX-P® (phentermine hydrochloride) to determine the potential for carcinogenesis, mutagenesis or impairment of fertility.

Pregnancy--Teratogenic Effects: Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with ADIPEX-P®. It is also not known whether ADIPEX-P® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproductive capacity. ADIPEX-P® should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.

If any of you know anything, Please answer me ASAP, I am desperately desperate since even pharmacies and scientists do not know anything.






  1. wow, adipex is like legal coke, so don't take it if youre trying to get pregnant.

  2. I was so angry reading your question, i cannot believe you have been taking adipex onand off for so long. Adipex is similar to amphetamine that is why it is addictive and it should only be taken for a couple of weeks. How the h**l did you get hold of it. With a friend like the one who recommended it you dont need enemies. Unfortunately no studies have been conducted on animals to test the effects on fertility and reproduction. What you need to do now is go and see your doctor, tell him the same that you have said here and get help from him to withdraw from the adipex completely. The next step would be to check your fertility. You can buy fertility testing kits and also ovulation predicting tests either from your pharmacist or online. You also need to stop thinking how amazing it is that you are a size 4. If you become pregnant you will not be staying a size 4 for long and more importantly you need to be healthy to provide all the nutrients for the baby. If you need help with your diet ask your doctor to recommend you to a  nutritionist and get yourself eating a healthy balanced diet as this will also increase your chances of becoming pregnant. It is early days yet as you have only been trying a month but you do need help for the adipex and you need a different friend. Good luck

  3. yes it can mess with your reproductive system

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