
Can airplanes turn?

by  |  earlier

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they all seem to just go in one directon...?




  1. Only when all the blondes all lean to the oppisite side!! The hot air counter balances the turbulance!!

  2. They dont have reverse, thats why they use tugs.

  3. of course they can they only seem to be going straight, on the ground the front wheel is used to steer the aircraft, in the air they use a combination of flaps(they are on the wings) and rudder, this is the vertical tail of the aircraft the very back part of it turns to displace air and steer the aircraft tin the desired direction

  4. no !!! they just go straight and hope they'll make it to their destination... LOL!!! Of course they can turn.. its just not obvious when they do it. because they turn gradually.

  5. of course.

    go to d airport.

    u ll c dem on the termac turning.

  6. OF COURSE SINCE WHATS THE pURPOSE OF THE SIDESTICK AND yAW sTICKS ON AN AIRCRAFT? AND OH BY THE WAY OF COURSE THE RUDDER pEDALS Help the pilot to turn the plane  and by the way planes can reverse using powerback manuever a powerback is a techinque or shall i say Manuever wherein pilots execute it by turning ON the Reverse Thrusters to help the plane rewvese but this is a very uneconomical way of pushing back using thug trucks are mor economical hehe heres my source : refer to sources :)

  7. Airplanes turn by banking which use the horizontal component of lift

  8. the planes mostly travel in the direction of their nose, but of course they are able to perform a sideways rotary motion of few degrees. it is made by rudder, but it increases drag. because of it the planes turn using the ailerons, which induce lift differential between the two halves of the wing, and this rolls the aircraft into a position one half of the wing lower , and one upper. this tilts the overall lift resulting force and creates the turning momentum.

    simply the planes turn in a different way than the cars, but the result is the same. the longitudinal axis of the vehicle changes its azimuth. what is different is that the plane tilts hwile the car stays level.

    it is possible to turn the airplane in the way the car turns, but this maneuver is not pleasant to passengers. the more common ailerons turning is far more comfortable.

  9. Where are they all going?  No, planes are unable to turn.  That's why they fly at 90,000 ft in the air - to avoid obstacles.

  10. no they cannot, they fly in straight lines!

  11. Of course they turn!!!  However, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line which is why it appears they always go in one direction when you see them fly overhead, especially when they're up high and leaving those white contrails behind them. It's efficient to go straight and uneconomical to do otherwise. Around airports they don't go straight for very long, and enroute they do make some turns as they go from one navigation fix to the next, although those turns usually aren't large.

  12. Yes planes can turn! They try to go in one direction to save on time and fuel. Once they take off they basically point in the direction they want to go and stay on the heading until right before they get to the airport then they turn and readjust to line up for the runway. There turns are very gradual because they are so big and going so fast but they definately turn.

  13. Have you ever flown before?!?!!? How do you think they get to places?!? It's not like they make the ground move benieth them!!!

  14. duh.

  15. yeah when they lean
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