
Can aloe vera cure paralysis?

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My young brother was involved in the accident in 2006 July,and got spine dislocation, since then he is paralysed




  1. In the book "The secret" It tells the story of the miracle man who was in a plane crash who paralysed with damaged spine who was on life support, he could only blink his eyes.he was on a lung machine.he learnt the secret. that the mind controls the body, when a voice kept repeating breathe deeply breathe deeply and in time he was taken off the lung machine,

    Next he said I'm going to walk out of this hospital at christmas and he did just other thing.

    The latest research in 2004 a group of scientist that owe their research to the 'the mind and life org' were written up in a book where a man had a stroke on the left side of his brain, was paralysed down his right side they strapped his good left arm up so that he could not use it and forced him to use his bad arm and slowly he got the use of his left side of his body back to normal.

    But the interesting part is that when they scanned his brain with MRI machine he had formed new brain cells on the right side of his brain not on the left,which proved that you can grow new brain cells if you learn some thing new.I hope this has been of some help? GOOD LUCK


  2. No, it cannot.  My sympathies to your brother, but there is nothing he can rub on his body or swallow that will reverse his paralysis.  Surgery might, but that depends on the type and severity of his injury.

  3. I certainly haven't heard of aloe being used for this before maybe you should seek some medical advice

  4. sorry,but no just burns.I wish you and your brother the best!

  5. to put it bluntly. thats just stupid.

    science has been looking for ways to treat spinal injuries, your not going to magically find the answer in some goop at a super market.

  6. no it cant.

    there are several products that can help with mobility and joint problems.......heat lotions, msm gel, forever freedom drink but it

    wont cure paralysis.

    hope this helps.

  7. I do not think that Aloe is that miracle cure you are hoping for, but it sure will make him feel a lot better.

    I have a recipe for Aloe Jam.

    It looks like melon preserve when finished and is a really fun way to get Aloe Vera in to the system for whatever medical reasons one wants it for.

    Try this.

    You will not be sorry...


    Try cut the broad but newer leaves and avoid the old, hard leaves because they are really very stringy and not consumable.

    The younger ones are quiet nice to use in this jam. I have made it several times and my family do not even know that they are eating aloe.

    They think it is watermelon.

    Aloe Jam

    Cut the older leaves from the stem where the leaves are thickest

    Place upright with cut end to the bottom so that as much sap can drain as is possible. Stand for a day or so...

    Trim point edges and tips so that the portions that are left would all be about 10 mm thick, otherwise the pieces are too thin tomake jam from...

    Cut the white or transparent pieces in to about 30 mm squares and peel each one from top to bottom

    Soak in clean water for a few hours, and rinse under running water when done. There must be no yellowy bits left afer rinsing.

    Prick each portion well with a fork

    Lie overnight in lime rich water by adding 2 table spoons of lime powder to the water that covers the aloe. Lime is generally available from pharmacies.

    Idealy you would dissolve lime in warm water before adding to aloe portions.

    Next day, rinse aloe portions again in running water

    Weigh out the following;

    For every 2,7 KG aloe, you would use 3.2 KG sugar

    About 4 table spoons of lemon juice is handy because it would preven jam turning in to sand sugar.

    Boil aloe for about 30 minutes in clean water and drain.

    In the mean while, do the syrup...

    Add the portions of aloe one by one so that the sypur does not stop boiling

    Allow to simmer for about 1 ½ hours until aloe portions become transperant and the syrup thickens.

    Stand the aloe portion in the syrup over night so that the aloe can absorb the syrup.

    Next day, remove the aloe while heating the syrup again. Replace the aloe portions back in to syrup once it is heated.

    Bring to the boil.

    Place the aloe portions in to hot, sterilized bottles and cover with syrup before sealing.

  8. Sadly, it can't

    Anyone who tries to profit by saying otherwise is evil.

  9. in the  'jam' the real ingredient which is most effective part of the plant  is drained out. it looses all its medicinal qualities and effectiveness. all we get is just pulp of leaves with sugar in the form of a jam. thats all. good taste.

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