
Can an employer do this??

by  |  earlier

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If my husband was put on light duty by his DR for a back problem can his job tell him that they do not have anything for him to do? He works in a warehouse loading trucks and he uses his back alot. Over the past year or so his back has gotten worse. He finally went to the DR and they told him not to lift more than 25lbs and that he needs to go to therepy. His employer has 2 other employees on light duty but they told my husband there isnt anything for him to do and said he cannot go back till the dr says its ok. Anything he can do about this?? He really wants to go back to work because he cannot afford time off right now.




  1. Yes they can. They hired him to do a job and if he cannot do the job per the doctors orders, then he needs to stay home and get well.

    And maybe while he is off he can study up on lifting correctly.

    You cannot expect a company to take away from someone else's job just to give him something to do.

  2. If they don't have a light duty job available -- then they don't have a light duty job to give him.  Since 2 other employees are on light duty as well -- maybe all the light duty jobs are taken.  There is no law the requires the employer to create a light duty job to accommodate him.

    Perhaps he should start looking for another job. Something that does not require lifting - a desk job.

    Good luck and hope he gets to feeling better.

  3. If he hurt his back at work, he is entitled to compensation.  The employer does not have to give him a light dut job.

  4. yes they can

    If you husband cannot meet the physical requirements of a job they can lay him off or firehim.

    Sounds like he needs a new profession.

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