
Can an eye die?

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I have been blind in my right eye since birth. I have a detached retina with an undeveloped optic nerve and I had a cataract removed in Dec 2006. I have heterochromia since then - my right eye is now green and my left has remained blue. Its painful and the eye lid is droppy - if I drink alcohol the eye is practically closed.

Can the eye be dying? I've waiting 4 months for my eye doctor to see me! - still on waiting list




  1. Get into see someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You must be on the nhs in the uk - thats disgusting that you have to wait - kick up a fuss and write to your local newspapers - MP  -  different doctors - threaten to sue - its amazing how quickly things will happen then

    good luck

  3. Good God! How can you be waiting 4 months. You need to be seen urgently. Are you in the UK?

  4. Yes, it's called phthisis bulbi.  You need to call your eye doctor and explain that your non functioning eye has become painful.  They need to understand it is not just a routine exam you are trying to get an appointment for and that you need to be worked into the schedule.  If they still cannot get you in, I suggest asking for a recommendation of someone who may be able to see you sooner (not rudely).  Good luck.

  5. Sweetheart, anything with a blood supply can die.  I highly suggest you go to emergency.  Your condition could be worse than before! Go, go, GO!!!

  6. i've heard of eye transplants.. well parts of eyes

    see what your options are for that.. and thats redic that you've had to wait that long.. call someone else

  7. If i was you mate and you can afford it come to Spain register here and you will be in the hospital in no time. A lot of english people here doing the same thing.

    The waiting time is much shorter and service is better . As long as you are registered as resident that is.

  8. my dad had an accident and his retina got detached and so he went blind in that eye. i don't know if it can die, probably not because it still has a blood supply doesn't it, but my dad's eye was really painful and used to water and run and be sore and he used to have to put drops in lots of times a day and it was generally quite a problem.

    But a few years back know he was referred to a specialist and had the eye removed and it's been replaced with a synthetic one - not a glass one - it's much more realistic. he went in and a person copies your eye exactly so the colour and pattern of your iris and detailing etc matches. before they put in the prosthetic eye they put in like a socket part and your muscles attach to it and with time the muscles build up and work with the new eye so that it moves just like the real eye. he can even go cross-eyed if he wants to! people don't even realise that it's not his proper eye and even when you tell people hey find it hard to believe!!!
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