
Can any natural law stop working?

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Can any natural law stop working?




  1. Short answer: no.

    Longer answer: This is a fundamental philosophy of science question that involves many assumptions.

    For example, what constitutes a natural law? And what would constitute a suspension of a natural law?

    If a natural law were to stop working, would you assume that it had stopped naturally, and that its stoppage was part of some pattern that might be figured out? Or would you assume that something UN-natural or SUPER-natural had stopped it?

    If you took a statement like "what goes up, must come down" as a natural law, would it stop working when a rocket was sent up that propelled a spacecraft out of the solar system, never to return? Or would you recognize that that alleged statement of natural law was an over-simplification?

    Its also possible to ask whether natural laws are even real things. The way you ask about them seems to indicate that you think they are analogous to human laws, which are written down somewhere and can be broken. But a more scientific view is that in things like Newton's formulas for gravity and motion, we have an example of a regularity of nature that has been discovered and described by a set of equations that give us an approximate idea of how things will move in the future or react to forces we might apply to them. These "laws" may be surpassed by other formulas that give even closer approximations, as Einstein's formulas are said to do over Newton's formulas especially for the behavior of light, strong gravitational fields and higher velocities.

    You need to have a very good idea of what a natural law even is, before you can decide whether it could stop working.

  2. At the singularity, where ordinary natural laws stop working.

    Need your proof.

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