
Can any one tell me?

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Could any one help me. I have been told a few times I have a gift because I have seen ghosts and the only place I've lived has had a ghost in it except the one I'm in now. (I've lived here nearly a year.)

I can also sense if a house is haunted.

If I do have a gift I would love to learn how to use it. I may have been given it for a reason.




  1. You have seen "Shadow men"

    These are the most common types of spirits seen. Many people feel, and I totally agree, that the shadow men are not dead people.

    I don't even believe that dead people can be trapped on earth, and have seen no evidence, even though it is popular in our culture to believe that people can remain on earth after they die.  

    As a Christian, I believe there are other beings, angels, demons, possibly other spiritual creatures roaming around amounst us.

    Shadow men are either one of these other spirit beings or some kind of trick of the mind.

    As for your gift, if you have been given it for a reason, then let God guide you for its proper use. Trust in the Lord.

    I think you probably do have a gift and a lot of people will try to tell you what to do, how to develop it, and how to use it.

    Don't let them, instead let your heart guide you, it won't lead you astray.

  2. When you totally relax when you experience these sightings and feelings, your emotions will lead you to your destiny re: the psychic world.

  3. Everyone has the potential for this ability, its the ones with the closed minds that do not think it is real. Learning how to use it is easy. Practice. Join a ghostie group in your area, or wait till night when your house is quiet, and ask out loud if any of them are there, and wish to speak to you. Cemeteries are good places for practice too...

  4. Seeing/sensing things that are not there is not a gift; it's a mental disorder.

  5. Well it is a gift, and not from Satan.  These "God Squad" guys need to sit down and read the bible.  The bible is full of ghost and spirits.  What about the Holly Ghost?

    Check out these sites---

    There is nothing incompatible with spirits in the bible.

    There is nothing incompatible with science in the bible.

    Around the year 400 the church made changes to the biblical works that were in general use.  The point was to make Jesus look more god like, as if he needed any help!  They forgot, or didn't understand, that God sent his son to live and die as a man to give us a way to heaven.  They wanted  to make a "New and Improved" Jesus so they rewrote  books and tossed out others.  They also wanted to get rid of anything that might seem like paganism, the main other religion of the time. Ever scene that time they have tried to down play ghosts and blamed anything not in the books as demonic.

    If your faith in your God is so weak that you are afraid of something that goes bump in the night or someone else's beliefs then I doubt its enough to get you into heaven.

    I fear no ghost, no demon, no evil,  God is my shield and my soul belongs to me.  

    I use my gift for good and to help others.  Maybe you can do the same.  But learn to stay away from evil people, do only good.

  6. Well since you're the only one who is observing these ghosts, shouldn't you be more concerned about finding out why?  I mean, you are the common denominator here.  Why did you see ghosts at your previous residences?  What was present there in your life that isn't present in your current situation?  What is making you think that the current place isn't haunted?  Ghosts do not exist.  You are hallucinating.  What caused your hallucinations before?  Why aren't you hallucinating now?

  7. I had the same exact thing!  But then I stopped taking acid, and it stopped.

  8. This is nothing else but satan at work. We r not to concern ourselves with  the dead. Spend some time in the Bible and less on ghosts. You will feel much better and satan will start leaving u alone.

  9. Yes, some energy forms look like these that  you describe and more curious and loving observations people know this, but I would give you advice not to concentrate very much on this, as

    one should first obtain experience from life  coming with the age and then, if still interested and considering necessary ,to go deeper in such study.

  10. First, I want you to to know that you are not the only one and second I want you to understand that since everyone does not see, they tend to make light of it.  

    Are you happy that you are able to see?  If so, then I would tell you to continue to develope your talent.  If not, I would tell you that you need to ask a higher power to take this away from you.

    I did not consider it a gift at first.  And sometimes it still isn't.  I had support, but some do not.  If thats you, try meditation.  There are times when it helps me alot.

    Decide as I have how you would like to use your talent and practice practice practice.  Nothing is by chance.
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