
Can anybody else see this?

by Guest60777  |  earlier

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How pathetic and **** l*****g the ITV commentators are being about Hamilton. Whenever something happens its never Hamiltons fault, he never does this, never does that in there eyes.

They really need to start talking about other drivers more, give them some respect and not just Hamilton all race.

Some may say im being pathetic, but im not, anybody can see.




  1. The problem is the the UK is so c**p at sport that well still go on about winning the world cup in 1966

  2. I am all for fair commentary and the ITV crew have been shocking in their 'Lewis Bias' but he IS the most competitive British driver out there so it is only fair they give him the lions share of support.  However all the 'Senna' comparisons are in poor taste and show a big lack of commentary imagination (could you hear Murray Walker doing that?)

    They, James Allen in particular need to listen back to their commentary and learn to be a tad more objective about it. Frankly, Monaco wasn't as bad as it could've been.

    It isn't Lewis' fault that James Allen is a poor commentator is it?

  3. problem is the commentators are british and lewis is their only saviour.  but again they were the same with michael schumacher.  i think one needs more unbiased commentators.

  4. Someone is a Ferrari supporter then..... If Hamilton wins a race, he is going to be the focus of attention, FACT.

  5. OK, so apart from hitting the wall, what did he do wrong today? Oh won the race - doesn't that merit some applause? ffs were people ever this nasty about Schumie?

  6. Absolutely agree. That's why I'm glad ITV will eff off next year and we can finally get some decent F1 coverage. F1 as it is at the moment:

    Race- talk about Hamilton all the time

    Cut to adverts - greeted by a close up of Hamilton

    Adverts- Vodafone advert of Hamilton driving down a street

    Back to Race- Go to step 1

    Absolute rubbish...can't wait to see Blundle/Brundle and all the other idiots at ITV unemployed

  7. yah! you are correct. WTF! it's plagiarism! monopoly! sticking only into 1 person.

  8. thats because they are british commentators and say what the british people want to hear,plus they do interview other drivers

  9. I totally agree with you. I am fed up of hearing about how wonderful he is. He doesn't seem to be able to overtake and only does well when he starts at the front of the grid. Yes he is a good driver but there are many others who are better. He is lucky to have a good car and a team with money to back him.

  10. ITV commentators have always talked more about Hamilton than anyone else ever since last year. It does get really annoying as there are many other drivers on the grid. But he won in Monaco, so naturally he will be the talking point.

  11. Sorry, I'm not good in mathematics

  12. its cos hes a whiney baby and if they dont talk about him he will get mardy and sulk. im not saying hes not a good driver just that he is sooooo imature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I also think ITV cover Hamilton too much, there is Button and Coulthard who are much better rivers but with a not as developed car. I also don't like the way they compare him with Senna, where the only thing like Senna that he has is his Helmet.

  14. its not just ITV that does this, Autosport and F1 racing do the same. When kimi won the title last year the main story was how lewis managed to lose it with a full cover photo and in small letters says that they have a inerview with the new champ but u really had to look for it.

  15. So, for the first time in a long time a British driver wins the Monaco Grand Prix....I found their commentary very good, what should British commentators do?...they do talk about other drivers, many times, but better to talk about a British winner....unlike the English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Ireland footballers, who really are a waste of breath.

  16. Well if ITV didnt have ad breaks or James Allen commentating, I think their coverage would be extremely good.  When the BBC covered the events all you got was the race being shown, there was no build up, rarely did they show qualifying, there was none of the technical coverage which ITV do well.

    The only advantage the BBC will have is that there will be no ad breaks, they will be hyping Hamilton up as much as ITV, as it's a British driver doing well.  And if they start bringing in Top Gear presenters it will be trully awful, as much as I like Top Gear they should not be mixed together

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