
Can anyone answer a nautical question

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if you jump from the side of a ship traveling at 14 knots, and land 3 feet away from it.. will you be pulled underwater? a small cruise ship.. roughly 100 ft. long




  1. I would go with Cal 45's answer, if you make the assumption that you are jumping near a midship position.  If you are near the bow, you may be pushed clear, if at stern position, the prop will have passed.

    I recommend, don't try it.  

  2. If you land outside the bow wave you might be ok.

  3. Chances are you will be pulled under the ship into the prop> Not a good idea>Or dragged along the side and bottom full of barnacles your a mess>

  4. Most likely not. You will be in trouble if done on purpose or just for fun.  The vessel will now have to rescue you, putting at least one crew member in danger to bring you back on board, reports to the USCG if in the USA and disrupting everyone else's cruise.  

    We have had this happen and to be short - the people involved where asked (told) never to come back, confined for the remainder of the cruise and escorted off company property on return to dock.  

  5. Try it >> Then get back with us .  

  6. First of all, you are ignoring the fact that the deck rail is anywhere from 50 to 100 FEET above the water... if you jumped off a bridge, 50 feet over the water... it would KNOCK YOU OUT because it's like hitting a brick wall.  Then throw in the forward velocity of 14 knots and the vicious bow and quarter waves... and it's SERIOUSLY QUESTIONABLE you would be able to LIVE THROUGH IT..

    This is a dumb question with an even dumber answer because it comes down to telling you that if you do something that stupid... you are committing SUICIDE and if you somehow manage to live through such a dumb stunt... you WILL be ARRESTED... and end up paying some HUGE FINES and doing time in a FEDERAL PRISON.

    If you are lucky... the cruiseline will only charge you for the lost 1 hour and the crew's time... but do you have ANY idea just HOW MUCH MONEY it costs to run a cruise ship for an hour?... you will be working the rest of your life to pay that debt... after you get out of PRISON, that is.

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