
Can anyone help with latin?

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Im taking latin, and got this for homework, i need to translate these sentences, i just cant remember the endings for the words...hopefully someone can help me.

The girl is small. (i know the root or whatever its called for girl is puell...but idk which ending to use)

The girls are small.

The land is not good.

The girls carry water.

The road and the forest are large.

Families love good life.

Families like good fortune.

The girls do not like the land.




  1. puella es vegrandis. terra est non bonus. puella veho unda. via quod silva es amplus. Families diligo bonus vita. Families amo prosperitas. puella operor non amo terra.

  2. Puellae sunt parvae.

    Terra est (not) non bona. Correction (non est (I think)) I know it's non I don't know about the placement.

    Puellae aquam portat.

    Via et silva sunt magnae

    Familiae vitam bonam amant

    Familiae fortunam bonam amant.

    Puellae terram non faciunt (Correction: non amant (I used the wrong verb)). instead of non faciunt

    My latins rusty I think this is right. But check with a friend in the morning.

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