
Can anyone please help me? Please!?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are still separated. he has not tried to contact me to work things out nor have i. But ever couple of days he sends me stupid text. Like, you might want to call the guy about the truck, they have not picked it up yet. Don't he think I would know that? I mean come on. I have been in contact with the guy about the truck from day one. Then another text came through saying that he was just getting ready and he would see me in a little while. That is an even more dumb text. I know that text was not for me. Do you think he sent that to me hoping i would ask questions? or did he really accidentally send it to me?




  1. Change your number. No more silly texts.  

  2. What difference does it make? Your separated and I am guessing there will be a divorce soon. So, stop wasting your time trying to figure out what he is thinking. You have a new life ahead of you so go live it.

  3. Only your husband knows what his intentions have been.  If you really want to know, ask him.

  4. He's keeping in touch for some reason, probably to get a reaction of some type from you.  He might think that finally you will call and get onto him and question him about these text messages.  I doubt he accidentally sent anything.

  5. Your husband doesn't have the nerve and desire to actually apologize to you or make things right that were once wrong and sends these notes as a way to continue along in your life.  Reading between the lines it sounds like he wants to be a presence in your life again but doesn't have the steel nerves for the possible rejection of you saying no.  Let it go for now and see if he sends should be interesting actually.  From the sounds of it he has a hard time with apologizing and communicating well and this is the best he can muster without being told to stay away forever.  Good luck.

  6. Stacey your husband sounds like an idiot. If you were my wife you wouldn't get a text at all. I am one jackass when it comes to divorce and separations. My wife left me and took my Son and I had another girl move in a few days after  and she stayed while my wife was gone.

    Now what do you want to know>?

  7. why do you care about the text messages, you are separated and neither of you are trying to work things out....go file for divorce

  8. Sounds like your husband is trying to get a re-action out of you hun. Ignore it, he obviously is sad & immature. Don't re-act to his texts negatively or he will keep sending them. Be the bigger person.

    Good Luck.X :-)

  9. It sounds a bit childish, but maybe it is his way of testing the waters with you. Maybe he doesn't know if he can call or afraid of what you will say if he does. He's trying to get a reaction for some reason, but be the bigger person and get in touch with him. You are going to have to communicate sometime, so go ahead and see what he wants. Quit wasting your time wondering.

  10. your husband is a r****d, divorce him and get half of his ****, period. It doesn't matter if he sent it to you on accident or not,  because either way he did the wrong thing, you obviously know that he is going out with someone and if he sent it to you on purpose then you know that he is mentally challenged and needs psychological help, you should divrce him immediatly take half of his stuff and go get another husband.  

  11. I think he was messing with you with the "Im getting ready be with you in a little while." You should have sent back, "thanks Giles, see you soon! Cant wait"

    The phone would have rung then! "who's Giles!"

    If he is taking the time to mess with you, he still loves you

  12. you are both playing games and need to stop.  either contact him and try to work it out or file for a divorce and move on.  grow up already.

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