
Can anyone read my theory?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have been thinking could it be possible that ufo's and are actually people from the future coming back to the past?




  1. wait............ isnt that the "plot" of the show  'the 4400'??

  2. No. Aliens come from the zeta reticular star system. Their technology is much higher than ours seeming they have a better understanding of the Universe than we do. They speak telepathy, have no reproductive organs,four fingers, a big head, they do not urinate or defecate or have an a**s, and they have Big black eye and their skin is gray and a mouth they don't use. They come here for genetic material to try to find ways other than cloning to keep their race surviving.

    The mystery to me is, if they have no reproductive organs than how do they survive?


    Capable of 186,000 miles per hour, probable using Etheric matter porpulsion tecnology to have infinite amount of energy theorectically speaking. but even at the speed of light it is hard to traverse the Universe so they use worm holes.

    ds2=(C-26M over T) -1 dt2 + (1-26M over c2r)-2 (dO2 +sin2 Odo2) which is a super long equation by Einstein for worm holes.

    But your theory is good though. My dad's theory is similar to yours respectfully speaking.

  3. This really isn't a theory, it's a hypothesis.  A theory, in the scientific sense of the word, is an observation based on observed facts.  What sort of facts have you observed to support your idea?  How would you be able to test it?

  4. i think your theory could be true. they could be coming back to the past to re-do an error in their past and want to make it right.

    i like your theory =D =D

  5. This does sound kinda like the 4400. Or are you saying that they've been to Heaven or Purgatory ..or that other place..and have been given (maybe ) a different kind of body. ..and on that place they've been given space ships to come back to Earth? Wouldn't that be awful..(or wonderful) if our great great great great great grandparents etc. were trying to come visit us?( The awful part would be that we'd probably shoot them down before they landed.)(Or..what if they were all the children who have died at childbirth and hadn't had a chance to live on Earth yet.)(But wouldn't that be kind of like reincarnation?) I'd say that would make for a great movie...but the 4400 is pretty close to to what you're talking about. Good question, anyway!

  6. technically this is not a theory in the scientific sense as it does not explain the mechanism of an established fact.

    For example, the theory of gravity explains the mechanisms of gravity. However, we already know that gravity exists.

    This has been the theme of at least 1 movie, probably more.

    Its doubtful that its true, but it makes a good story line.

  7. Yes, it is a theory despite what others may wish to believe. Your theory would explain (not in great detail) how UFO's travel and thus interstellar distances would not be required. By people I understand you to mean us human. Why couldn't another race people being do this, say cutting through time and space via wormhole technology?

    Unfortunately, your theory is not testable (just like many in superstring theory are not yet able to be tested).

    It will require capturing a UFO or us greatly expanding our understanding of space, time, and dimensions in order to even approach the idea of time travel. It would also require you being more detailed in your theory. However, it is a start you observed the facts: UFOs are sighted and not explained fully, and you have proposed something as a possibility for the event (perhaps not the simplest explanation).

    I have provided some sources below for you to help you understand the challenges that we (and probably anyone else) would have to overcome for your theory to be possible or even testable.

    Keep thinking outside the box that is how real science progresses.


  8. Maybe you are right, but consider this,

    if they are people from the future, then the event of the sighting of the UFO (that particular one) will already be known to them, as it has already happened in their past, but then they should be able to avoid it, which they are not able to, thus they are not from future. and anyhow, if time is changed, that is an event is meddled with, it can have horrible repercussions for the future, which may result in the future changing due to a change in a past action by a person from future and thus the person's own existence could be at stake.

    also, time travel is not possible as time travels only in one direction, though time dilation is possible, as per Einstein's theory.

  9. I'm afraid that this isn't as much a 'theory' as it is guesswork - or wishful thinking.  A theory must be supported by evidence; where is your evidence?

  10. May be this exists.As to time- did you have sometimes the feeling that the things happen with unusual speed? If so - / I had such observations and also for the people around - somehow vibrating in their actions, if they are under a cyborg influence or in another dimension manipulated by radio frequencies/ we are perhaps connected to holography and what seems to us coming from future is projected from somewhere.

    You may take serious this or ...-I like the movie "The Trumans Show".

  11. Time traveling in Physically impossible and even if that would be the case they would have warned us of the dangers in the future before they would happen.

  12. haha no. ufos are government made.

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