
Can boredom lead to depression?

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A simple question really. I find when I'm home all alone with nothing good to do I get restless and depressed. With nothing to keep myself physically or mentally occupied I become rather self-destructive. I'll cut sometimes. Other times I just pig-out on junk food. I'm not fat. I'm concerned though. I just wanna know.. Can such things as boredom really give someone or contribute to depression?




  1. yes it can and i would really call the cut helpline if i was you... plan activities like a day earlier to keep your self out of trouble

  2. yes ! ive been tharee ; but try chattin it up witt your ppls; listenin too musik watchin anythin on tv ; call someone ; or read magazines; thats what i doo.

  3. I'm feeling like that just now. I've been alone all day and have no friends in this city I just don't know how o deal with it anymore.  It does get me down but hopefully with some human contact it'll go away.

  4. Definitely.  Boredom is the Devil's Playground.  You are so right on with this.  Sounds like you have good insight.  Make a list if "To Do's" for the day so you'll have stuff to do when you get home.  It feels real good checking them off the list.  And include healthy things for yourself, such as watching a funny/enjoyable tv show or movie, listening to your favorite music while doing chores, working on art...etc...  Just be sure to do at least one enjoyable thing for yourself a day.  And give yourself the permission to do so!!!  :)

  5. yes it can lead to depression! 'idle hands...' and all that...

    get a good hobby! Go for a walk soak up the scenery, read a good book, work out, needlecrafts...antything to help you with boredom!

  6. I am sure it could I tell my grands when they are bord to do something. Go for a walk or do some work. When I was a kid I never got bored because I had plenty of work to do.

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