
Can certain foods make kids misbehave?

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Can certain foods make kids misbehave?




  1. i never heard of that but hey im no doc

  2. yes,it is called sugar,hypes them candy or soda after a certain hour.

  3. SUGAR!

    When my kid eats something with alot of sugar, he crashes really bad, and is always purposely doing bad things after words.

  4. If a child has certain disorders foods can affect them like add or adhd. But normally no a food will not make a kid act differently, minus lethargic behavior or hyperness. both cause by inbalanced diets.

  5. Sugar = near psychotic state.

    Don't feed 'em sugar until they can lift you over their shoulder.

  6. My children never had any problems with any of the different foods. I can remember babysitting with my neighbors daughter and she would be hyper from eating anything with sugar. Never would sit still and always on the go. About drove me crazy!

  7. Sugar affects my both of my step daughter's behavior drastically. They are 9 and 10. If they even have 1 starburst they act worse than they usually do. They are already acting out toward me cuz I am not their real mom. Sugar makes it waaayyy worse.

  8. Not so much "misbehave" but behave differently (to put it nicely!), Yes definitely. Especially kids with ADD or ADHD or other behavioural problems. A lot of preservatives and colours and additives in food can affect children. A few years ago there was a report that a certain preservative in bread to keep it fresh longer was causing behavioural problems in kids. A few big name bakeries started making their bread without the preservative.

    These additives etc can cause other problems too. My best friend growing up couldnt have certain colours or flavours coz they gave her migraines. Check with a child nutritionist or do some searching online, theres plenty of info out there. They should be able to tell you the worst offending additives, and its pretty easy to check labels before you buy stuff at the shops!!

    Good luck and hope this helped!

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