
Can children with eczema have pets?

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is there any pet their allergic to that i should know about?

and what kind of pet can they have?




  1. yes but im no docter but my brother has eczemz and we have a dog

  2. Hello there.  Most kids grow out of eczema on their own, pet or no pet.  If your child(ren) is allergic to a pet - it is better to find a pet they are not allergic to.  Having a pet is - as you know - very beneficial.

  3. Excema can become a severe problem. Pay attention to what the doctor tells you. Drop by any veterinarian & ask about your problem & pets.

    Sometimes, a Mexican hairless or Chihuaua dog is even helpful to this problem. They're cute, small, & loving pets. Beware of cat dander...

  4. I doubt that excema and pet allergies are related.  Any furry pet is acceptable.

    However, here is an issue.  Cats and dogs which are self-cleaning after toileting, may have excrement and E-coli on their tongues for awhile.  They have bacteria within them to kill it.

    But if they l**k your child, the excema may become an infected skin lesion.

    Perhaps the kids should be seen by a dermatologist, and a supply if cortisone cream and anti-bacterial cream obtained, and used.

    Then, they should wash after any contact with the pet, if there is dander, and apply some nice soothing aloe vera gel.

  5. It's not that there are pet restrictions.  You just have to figure out what pets if any the child is allergic to.  Not all people with eczema are allergic to animals.  I have eczema and I'm only slightly allergic to cats.  My niece is not allergic to any animal and her eczema is pretty bad.

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