
Can different cockatiel breeds mate?

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i have a male grey cockatiel and a female albino cockatiel. do you think they will have a chance to mate? what are the possible mutations? thanks, jaz ♥




  1. Of course it's possible for them to mate... they're the same species, the only difference is their coloration. The babies would either be gray like their father, white like their mother, or gray and white.

  2. yeah of course  as long as their cocktiel dose not matter the colours but don't inbreed  and the pair has  to get a long  but only breed if you know what your doing people think  if they puit a nest box and a pair then they mate but no that simple  the hen could have problems like egg binding because lack of calcium and the male could get very agresive and you might have to separate him and raise the chicks opn your own hand rearing witch you gotta feed evry 2 hours around the clock but these problems are  45 percent chance as long as your cocktiels are heathy and  good go ahead but make sure you reasearch what your doing

    the chicks should turn out a black and white colour depending on thier parents features specialy the male

    if i have a hen and her legs are deformed  and have a male his legs are good n breed them chance is that the chikss be good and normal

    breeding cocktiels is a joy and fun and a very good expirience about life if your first try to mate does not work dont give up because cocktiels take up to years before they are bonded  and dont breed birds that are under 18 months even 18 months too young  best age is about 2 years and a half i prefer because there mature and  lesss problems are likely

    also when breeding the male would go in to the nest box and out several time this means he ius chcking that the box is safe  and will chew on the wood edges  and fix up the pine shaveings inside make sure you offer lots of calcium eg cuttle bone / brocolli

    you should feed your bird diffrent food other then seed  like spinich and capcicum etc......

    dont feed avacado and all that rubbish like oranges they make them sick and they could die

    when breeding make sure you get some bath water for them and  fresh vegies if there is not enouth food they feed thier babies enything

    includeing thier droppings and paper and more which could make the bird sick and die

    got enymore questions  get back 2 me

    hope i was a help good luch

  3. Hello.

    As long as they are not related , then they can be mated . I have a few pairs : normal greys with Lutino , and they all produce Lutino's babies . Have fun ! TM.

  4. Yes, btw they are both the same breeds, just different colours.

    They will mate when they are about 6 months old, you just got to be patient!!

    Hope this helps.

  5. Hi,

    Firstly they are the same species just different mutations. So yes they will mate.

  6. of do u think we have so many breeds right now?

    but if the two species are two different it is impossible as the genes wnt work properly...if u know what i mean...for eg...a dog and a cat..or an elephant with a girrafe

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