
Can i adopt 2?

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is it possible 2 adopt 2 children from 2 different homes at 1 time?my friend wants kids but knows how long adoption process take n shes wondering if she'll be allowed to adopt 2 at the same time




  1. It will be dependent on the type of adoption that you are interested in and the agency's rules & regulations.  Many times, siblings can be adopted.  And it is also possible to have more than one foster child for foster/adoption at the same time.

    Good luck to you.

  2. there is alot of research they do, so im not sure. ive adopted two girls, both sisters from the same Mom , but 3 years apart. the mother wanted us to have the girls. the process is a pain and to do it all twice at he same time i dont know. maybe if the officer working theyre case is doing both then it could go easy.

  3. Some agencies/homestudy social workers frown on this practice and would need to be "convinced" that there are sound reasons for it. It's difficult to give a specific answer.

  4. It's unlikely that she'll be able to adopt two unrelated children at once (either domestically or internationally).  She could, however, look at adopting a sibling group.

    I would encourage her to look into sibling groups as a matter of fact.  We adopted a sib group internationally & I'm so glad we did.  Being together really helped in their adjustment process.

  5. Sure!  We are!  They won't actually be adopted on the same day as we have to wait for the TPR's to be finished and then our 6 month waiting period starts, which is silly, cause the kids have lived with us...One for almost two years and the other 7 months.

  6. There are several sibling groups in foster care right now.  This would be a great oportunity to allow her to jump start her family and give siblings a home together.

  7. since people adopt siblings I would say yes she should be able to adopt more than 1 child at the same time if she is approved to do so.  The homestudy will show how many children she would be able to house properly and care for.  She may adopt 1 and then shortly after adopt another.  Yes it can take awhile sometimes and other times it moves fast

  8. Anything is possible, but it probably it will not happen at the exact same time.  It depends on if she is adopting a newborn infant or a child in foster care etc.?  Also, it depends on the state the adoption takes place in vs the state the adoptive parent lives in.  Typically you must remain in the state for at least 2 weeks to establish the birth records.  States vary on these laws, the timing etc.

    Either way there are a lot of ups and downs and dissapointments.

    Good Luck!

  9. Not usually unless they are adopted through the same agency.  Many agencies do not allow it, unless they are birth siblings.  Most have a policy that you must finalize the adoption of one child before another is brought into the home.  This is for stability reasons, so each child will have their adjustment time, etc.

    However, with international adoptions, the practice is quite common.  It is allowed because of the travel and wait for a referral.

  10. sure if she has the room and wants to pay twice the amounts.

  11. yes
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