
Can i be induced????

by  |  earlier

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I'm 38 weeks prego and just cant take it anymore! I'm not having contractions, but in a WORLD of pain!!! my doctor is out of town on vacation i want/NEED to be induced!!! my pregnancy has been problem free and healthy. does anyone think the nurses or the on-call doctor would be allowed to induce me?




  1. No, sorry. I wanted to be induced soooo bad at 36 weeks. My back was going out and I had non stop migraines. My pregnancy was healthy and fine until the final weeks when they discovered my son was still floating around and not engaged in my pelvic region. I had to do non stress tests four times a week, after failing two they had me overnight in the hospital and monitored me, they told me they will NOT unless its life threatening to the mother or child induce before 37 weeks. So at 37 weeks I was induced. Since your past the 37 week mark, maybe if you beg your Doctor enough when he/she gets back they'll be nice to you. Good luck!

  2. Im sorry honey but no GOOD doctor will order an induction on another doctors patient if there isnt any medical reason to do so.  Its against ethics and could lead to major problems if it was done (maybe not to you because you are full term and healthy but to other women it might).

  3. why would you WANT to be induced???!! mine ended in a cesarean. grrr

  4. Not likely, they will want you to wait until your regular doctor is back in town. Since your pregnancy has been problem free they will want you to wait, but if the pain is severe they might do something, you didn't exactly say where you were hurting or anything so I can't help you there.

  5. Not the nurses, but they could check you and see if you need to be and of course the on-call doctor would make that final answer for you but why would you want to??  You think youre in pain now, but its like 100x worse when you get induced because its not natural.  Do what I did....start walking alot and going up and down stairs, that will help the flow of contractions and maybe you'll come without the need to be induced...but hang in there....and Good Luck!!

  6. get your mind off of the pain -work, hike, walk, volunteer, get a massage, see a chiropractor, swim, do yoga.....  call the OB (there is one available 24/7) if you are still concerned.

  7. Sure they would but you shouldn't if you give your child until term they will be that much bigger, healthier and developed, I was in a world of pain but I went over term and they only induced me after the placenta started to be an unhealthy place to live!

  8. I would think so if you are hurting that bad you may need to go anyway .Good luck be safe  

  9. look up the egg plant parm. recipe from scalinis, its guarenteed to make you go into labor within 48 hours.

  10. nope they will not

  11. They won't induce you at 38 weeks unless you or the baby are at risk.  You might get lucky and your doctor will induce you at term, my first ob/gyn did.  However you may have a doctor like my second, which let me go 6 days over, and then only induced because the baby was in danger.  I know it sucks, but being induced sucks too, the pain is worse, labor is longer, it can lead to c-sections, and alot of times it doesn't even work.  I promise you that you will have a baby within four weeks, because if you are two weeks over they WILL induce you.  If you are in serious pain though you need to be checked out.  Give your nurse on call a ring and see what they say.  They may have pain relief options for you. =)  good luck and congrats, i know this is the hardest time of being pregnant.  i promise you will make it!

  12. no they are not qualified to do such things

  13. i asked my mom if my doc would and she said u dont want to do that.let the baby stay in there where its comfortable as long as it can
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