
Can i buy dirt from nicaragua?

by  |  earlier

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i live in florida and i want to buy dirt from nicaragua get it shipped here I'm growing my own tobacco. any suggestions




  1. If I were you I would contact your local U.S. Customs office and ask them.

  2. You could certainly buy it but U.S. customs would take it away from you at the border because of the agricultural product (which includes soil) quarantines in effect.  It may be worth your while to investigate the possibility of a permit from customs to get your special dirt into the country.  

  3. You should just buy yourself a piece of land in nicaragua and grow your wacky tabacky there.  dope.

  4. just make sure the dirt is clean enough

  5. Are you serious, your buying dirt from nicaragua?

    Why in gods name would you bother your ***?

    Just get some fertilizer and some dirt from a common field.

    Use your brain.

  6. Prohibitively expensive.

    You can search the internet for companies that are there and see if any of them ship by barge or rail. However, I have to expect the cost to far outweigh the benefit. What's wrong with American dirt?

  7. LOL Why do you need it from nicaragua why cant u just use dirt from florida  

  8. I'm sure you could get good soil from N.C. They grow all kids of stuff in the mountains.

  9. i REALLY doubt that u need nicaraguan soil its prbly fine in any high quality stuff

  10. i wouldnt do that....that dirt is going to be an illegal alien unless you get a green card for it. haha yeah you sure your not making a grow house because if thats what your making the best dirt is regular miracle grow potting soil. at least thats what it was on that show weeds on sho time thats the best show ever!!

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