
Can i delete my yahoo group?

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if i can how do i do it




  1. If you are the owner or the privileged moderator, here is how you can delete a group:

  2. yes you can delete your group. Go under management and you will find a button to delete the group

  3. DING! “Fries are ready,” said the McDonalds clerk as he handed me my fries. I went over to sit with my beloved Leilani, who had just recently fallen in love with me after two years of fighting for her. Leilani was a truly gorgeous girl, had a good figure, dark skin, perfect complexion, and a booty that would make any girl jealous. “I really do love you,” she said as she swallowed one of her fries.“I know you do,” I said “I just can’t believe this is happening to me, I never thought I’d be able to win your love.”“Well Casey, you don’t have to worry about that anymore, I’m here for you” I sat in the McDonalds with her for the longest time, my dream had finally come true. I was rudely awakened by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I rolled over and turned it off. “This cannot be happening to me,” I blurted out for the whole world to hear. “It was so real,” I thought to myself. Quite frankly I was so pissed off that I didn’t even realize I had been sitting there for the past fifteen minutes. I got up out my bed very slowly, almost tripping over a CD of Cassidy the Hustler. I looked at the wall and just hit it with my right fist, leaving a hole in the dry wall.“Oh, ****,” I whispered to myself “Pops is gone’ be pissed.” Although I was worried about what my dad was going to say about the new hole in the wall, my mind was more focused on the dream I had, and how it had played tricks on me. I was really depressed. So depressed that I stole a bottle of Vodka from my dad’s cabinet, mixed it with beer, and put it into a water bottle. I was out the door in five minutes. I had a lot to think about as I sat waiting for the bus to arrive. Why would my dream hit me where I am most vulnerable? I just didn’t understand why. I was never someone who looked vulnerable, I looked like a gangster from east Oakland judging by the way I dressed. I had on a fitted black San Francisco Giants cap, with my Number 80 Raiders Jerry Rice Jersey. I had a chain that hung down to just above my belly button, with an iced out crown at the end of it. I could go to jail for being so fresh, and that’s for real. Yet, my dream was a different kind of vulnerability, I try to hide my feeling on the inside by dressing like a thug on the outside. That dream, it was like hitting a man below the belt. It hurts, and it hurts badly. Leilani was someone I honestly loved, I didn’t give a c**p about any other girl, and I wanted her to be mine. I remember one year that she got a boyfriend from Waianae. I got upset, I almost cried. It wasn’t the fact that she had a boyfriend, it was the fact that he was an absolute jerk. A girl like that should be treated like royalty, and I was the type of guy that could bring that to her. Yet, it was all in the past, and I realized she was single now, and I had to figure out a way to win her love. Even though I was a Caucasian male and rumor was that she only had a thing for local guys. I could see the blinker of the huge number 77 school bus signaling to come this way. I grabbed my bag and boarded the bus. I stumbled down the Aisle, for the Bus driver had started going before I reached my seat. I finally settled down in my assigned seat. I looked outside, it was overcast, and it looked like it was going to rain soon. I plugged my I Pod into my ears. The 47 Miller gang was playing. I reached into my bag and pulled out the bottled of liquor I had made at the house, I started sipping it, but was constantly aware of the bus driver sneaking glances every once in a while. By the time I finished half the bottle I was feeling pretty good, I then realized we had reached the spot that my friend Shelby was being picked up at. She was going to sit by me, she always did, the only Asian to ever truly like me, and had my best interest at heart. “HI CASEY,” she said in a high pitched voice.“Hello Shelby,” I replied. My bottle was now empty and I was feeling a little weird. “How art thou?”“I’m good, how are you?”“I don’t feel too good to be honest, I had a really traumatizing dream last night.” (By this time she could tell I was drunk out my mind)“Really? What was it about?“Heres what happened,” I was preparing to tell her my whole dream. “I had a dream last night that was so real, it pissed me off when I woke up, Yadamin? I was there, it felt so real, I was there with Leilani, in the McDonalds, and she loved me and I loved her. And when I thought that I finally had her, I woke up, and I was really pissed off, can you relate to that?”“Ummm, not really,” she said “Maybe you should ask her to winter ball?”“Naw, that would be weird,” I replied as I continued to poor out my feelings. “I mean, I’ve had girlfriends while I still liked her, I can’t get her out of my system. How am I supposed to be faithful in a relationship when she’s constantly on my mind? Yadamin? I just don’t know what to do?“Well, the reason I suggested Winter Ball is because something magical could happen, like Beauty and the beast!”“Yeah I guess,” I grunted as I continued the rest of the bus ride relatively quiet. Getting off the bus drunk isn’t as easy as it seems. You have to try extremely hard not to end up in someone’s lap. I stumbled over to the boys lockers, where me and my friends usually hang out. My vision was kind of blurred as I saw my friend Sean walking toward me. “Wassup Casey?” he said as I sat down next to a rock and made an effort to talk like a Wigga. “Wassup Homie G Dillis from the West side!” I replied enthusiastically. “Are you okay? Your face is kind of red, you look wasted man.” “Yeah, I had a rough night last night, I feel like bustin’ a rap about it,” I was so tipsy I busted the most absurd rap anyone had ever heard. “Yo Yo Yo, this goes out to you, who was wearin’ the frown, I’ll cut your weave off you’ll look like Charlie Brown, and when I ghost ride the wip it leaves a welt, you’re a young male virgin in a Chastady belt, ooo.” Everyone that was around me busted out in laughter, they never heard rhymes as dope as the ones that I was spraying. Rapping was one of my true passions. I grew up in the ghetto, very hostile environments, and rapping was my outlet. I learned how to battle rap while I was serving time in Utah for a criminal act in which I caused 12,000 dollars in property damage in one night. The inmates in Utah taught me all I needed to know about battle rap, and I developed my skills accordingly. I was still a little tipsy as the bell rang and I entered my first class, Pre Algebra. Mr. Matsuzaka handed out our test papers accordingly. I was the last to get mine, as I glared at the C-, trying to figure out what it meant. It had been a couple of hours since I had finished my cocktail, so my buzz was a thing of the past. I was quiet all period until the boy who sat behind me, Crimson, made a retarded remark about my voice. “Your voice makes you sound like a r****d,” he said sarcastically. By the end of his sentence I was already pissed off. “Your face makes you look like a ******,” I replied as I turned around to look him in the eyes. “How the h**l you gonna go from a snitch to making a comment like that, you should think twice before you try and ball with me dawg, Yadamin, , get the h**l outta here!” The teacher’s aid had told me to stop several times and was beginning to write me up, but I had accomplished what I had set out to accomplish, and that was to get him to shut his trap. He remained speechless until the bell rang. I got over all the drama very quick, as I usually did, and just went on with my life. My referral was on its way to the office, and it was rightfully so. I acted over the top in that classroom. Yet, I didn’t feel bad at all. I worked tremendously hard to earn my status, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let anybody take that away. I came to this High School straight from the Penitentiary, after I had been horribly disfigured, I was the laughing stock of the entire school. At that time nobody thought I would ever have a chance with a girl, but two years later I was the subject of the biggest transformation in school history. Girls were now calling, texting, messaging me all the time just to get the chance to be with me. And for that I was grateful. I was grateful for all the attention, but my heart belonged to one woman, and that woman was Leilani. The next couple of days went quite smoothly, I had stopped drinking so that my face wouldn’t be so red. It was rosy enough as it is, but that’s beside the point. I was always the kind of person that would seek perfection, I was a perfectionist. And I had no problem with saying that. Now I had to use those skills, and try to get Leilani to notice me, I was thinking constantly. I decided to put my thinking to the side as I boarded the bus to go home. It was Friday, and I had the whole weekend to think about it. I just put on my iPod and zoned out the whole ride. I wasn’t looking forward to going home, I figured it was just a matter of time before my dad found out I was hiding the hole in the wall with a Ghostface Killah poster. Much to my dismay, he had found out about the hole in the wall. “Casey you know your going to have to pay for this right?” my father screamed at the top of his lungs. “How do you know it was me?” I replied sarcastically. “Casey I’m not stupid you idiot I know it was you!” “God Dammit I’m not working for you again, you’re not fair.” “Well maybe you should have thought of that before you went and put a hole in the wall.” You could feel his anger and frustration piling up, it was as if he was rigged to explode at any minute. “For real though, do you have any proof it was me, it could have been the dog or something. “You know what, I can call the police right now and lie about you attacking me, and they will take you *** to the brig! You here me, I’m tired of putting up with your surly attitude and such, if your so miserable here, Why Don’t you just leave?” “Okay I will,” and with that I stormed out the door, not knowing what was going to come next. It was kind of stupid to just storm out like that, because I knew I had no job, and on top of that I had no supplies to get though any number of days. I knew I had to go back sooner or later, but for the time being I was content with lying on the grass and taking a much deserved nap. I fell into a deep, unshakeable sleep. I awoke several hours later, I did not know how long I was out for, but it had been awhile since I had fallen asleep. It seemed to be very bright outside. It was difficult to open my eyes for they had to readjust to the bright lights that seemed to be outside. I woke up in what seemed to be a garden. I was beginning to freak out because this was not where I laid down to begin with. In fact, I had no idea where I was at all. I slowly got to my feet. I was sweating profusely now, I was thinking of where to go. I took a couple of steps forward and started walking toward a couple of buildings I saw in the distance. Then, all of a sudden I hear a booming voice coming from behind me. “Hello Casey, I’ve been expecting you,” said the mysterious man. I quickly twirled around to see that it was Morphius, the beloved character from the Matrix. He was dressed in the same long cloak like jacket, he was African American, and he wore the same round sunglasses. “Mr, I know you probably just practicing for Halloween, but can you tell me exactly where I am, I’m really getting confused.” I replied. “The name is Morphius, you must come with me, and we don’t have much time.” “Hell no, my mom always told me not to talk to strangers, especially ones who believe that they are movie characters, dude for real dawg, you need some help.” “I feared you might say that. Answer me this one question. If you bend a spoon, and the spoon your bending has already been bent, are you really bending the spoon?” “Wait, what the h**l are you talking about, your starting to p**s me off, dude I’m outta here.” “Then it is settled, if you won’t go willingly, we will be forced to take you by force. Umpa Lumpas, GET HIM!” It was an amazing phenomenon as six dozen midgets dressed in overalls started picking me up and carrying me to a place that I didn’t know, for a reason that was unknown. “Hey, what the h**l, you starting to p**s me off G” I started to scream as I struggled to get out of the grasp of the Umpa Lumpas. “Soon you will understand,” laughed Morphius, “It will all become clear.” And so I was carried by force for what seemed to be a lifetime. The Umpa Loomas dropped me off at a dirty looking place in the middle of the ghetto. When I saw the bums asking for change on the side of the road, it finally dawned on me. I wasn’t in Hawaii anymore, I was in a place where bums could live together in harmony as they sang there praises to the world. That place was San Francisco California. Then I started to think, how did I get to San Francisco in two hours. I surveyed my surroundings. I saw all these old and new movie characters, and I was beginning to feel a bit insecure. “You are the chosen one Casey, are you up to the challenge? The rewards will be great.” Exclaimed the booming voice of Morphius as he grabbed a cup of tea from the mad hatter. “First off, one of you Halloween pansies better tell me what the h**l you’re talking about,” I started to rant. “You take me away from my home and expect me to know what your are talking about, what’s wrong with you guys? That’s the only question I what answered.” Before I finished complaining Morphius burst into a godly laugh that filled the room with dead silence. “Casey, my boy, you may not believe what I’m about to tell you, but you must listen to what I am about to tell you. If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, and that tree is on the Y intercept of a parabola, does the tree actually fall?” I was about to open my mouth to tell him he wasn’t making any sense, but it seems that treebeard got offended by some of Morphius’s comments. “What did trees ever do to you,” he started crying hysterically. “I’ve been a tree my whole life, and I’m tired of being ridiculed for it,” he continued to ball uncontrollably. Morphius kept his composure. “Somebody take Treebeard to his therapy session, I’m trying to make a point here, I don’t have time for this.” And with that, Cinderella took treebeard to his therapy session. “Now we can get down to the real sorce of business. Casey we need you to help us against these bums. They have taken over and are planning a mass attack. You lived in San Francisco for three years, that gives you more experience than any of us. And if you achieve the daunting task of getting our homeland back under control, Leilani will fall in love with you, and believe me, I have the power to do that.” I could tell that these guys were nothing to make fun of because they seemed to know everything about me. I had to do some major thinking. If Morphius was right about the Leilani thing, then fighting would be worth the risk. Plus, I knew more about how to defeat bums than the bums themselves know. I remember one day when I was living in San Francisco, a bum came up to me and asked me for change, which is what they do for a living. After many years of failing I discovered the secret to changing the bums mindset. All you have to do is stay perfectly still, and they won’t see you. They will simply move on to the next victim. I was somewhat confused at the matter, because the bums of San Francisco never would wreak harm on people. Why would they be attacking these imaginary characters? I had to bring up the subject, even though I wasn’t completely comfortable with talking to these people, or things, or whatever they where. I had to confront Morphius about this. “Why are you having trouble with the bums?” I asked with curiosity. Morphius was quite stunned with my question for some reason. He took off his glasses really slow, and set the on the wooden table seated next to the rock wall. “These are not ordinary bums were dealing with, Casey.” He paused for a second, then continued “You may not want to know what I am about to tell you, but we are in the year 2577. These bums existed over 500 years ago.” “Wait, you can get me back to my time, right? And what are you saying that these bums are zombies? “Yes, the bums are Zombies. And I can get you back to your time, if we defeat them.” “You mean if we don’t defeat them, I’ll be here forever?” “No, if we don’t defeat them, you’ll be dead.” After that sentence Morphius left the room, because he knew I had to gather my thoughts. I had two options, succeed or die. That really got me depressed, I started to shed a few tears as I remembered my days in this world. I had to figure, they could be numbered. The conversation with Morphius really put a lot of questions inside my head. Could bums actually come back as Zombies? Was it actually the year 2577? It all sounded so impossible. Yet, everything I was seeing seemed impossible. The expected me to be the leader of this mystical army. I was nervous, very nervous, but I knew I had to do this. Not so much for these colorful characters, but for Leilani. I loved her so much, and I knew Morphius would follow through with his word, for I trusted him deeply. I laid down and started to rest my eyes as I started to reflect on my current situation. I fell asleep for some much needed rest. I was rudely awoken by a rabbit that I instantly recognized as Bugs Bunny. He looked at me, took a bite out of his carrot and said “Eh, what’s up Doc?” “Not much B-Rabbit, how bout yourself homie?” I replied. “Eh, I got somebody I’d like for ya to meet,” said Bugs as he stepped to the side to reveal a shocking truth. It was a rabbit, just like Bugs. Except he had on a red bandana, fitted cap, and a huge Regime chain hanging down his neck. “His name is Thugs. Thugs Bunny.” Bugs continued “He’s straight Gangsta Mac!” “Well, it’s a pleasure Big Dog.” I said as I reached out to shake his hand, “It’s good to have some real OG’s up in this place, because we all know were in dire need of those.” “The pleasure is mine,” replied Thugs “And what you say is true.” And with that they left the room, to let me prepare for the battle afoot. Thugs Bunny sounded nothing like Bugs. His voice was deep and raspy. Seeing another Gangster in the place really gave me confidence in defeating the bums. Even though we were outnumbered 450,000 to 715. Those numbers are not favorable by any means.

    The odds were against us. The flesh eating Zombie Bums were looking to drive us out. I refused to have my cause of death be by Zombie Bum. I had more pride than that. I was going to represent this army well. This wasn’t for the mystical characters. This was to prove to everybody that ever doubted me, that I wasn’t a reject. I had been judged my entire life. They say that Casey can’t do this, Casey can’t do that. None of it was true, and I never believed it. I knew I would have my calling one day, and that day was almost here. I didn’t quite understand why they chose me, but when I looked inside myself there wasn’t a doubt. I looked outside the window to see the inconceivable army of Bums forming outside the gates. “How in the world are we going to do this?” I whispered to myself. I was startled when I looked over my shoulder to see a small child. I could tell he was a ghost, because you could see straight through him. I stared for a minute, he looked familiar for some reason. A tear streamed from my eye as I started to realize who the boy was.

    “Jamal?” I cried out, but got no answer. Then all of a sudden he drifted away into the cracks of the walls. I sat there for the longest time, stunned at what I had just seen.

    Jamal was my best friend during a hard time. We both lived in the projects. We met each other in Pre-School, and soon became inseparable. We went through Kindergarten together. We drifted through first grade. We always had each others back. We were at our last stages of second grade when the unthinkable happened. While riding his bike from school one day, Jamal was hit by a driver that was later convicted of being on meth at the time of the accident. It was a combination of everything I hated in this world. This inconsiderate man took the life of my best friend. It was a hit and run, the man didn’t even know he hit him. Although he has since apologized profusely for his unforgivable actions, he’s somebody I still to this day; despise with a deep passion. It was evident that I would never forgive him for his actions. He could never bring back my dearest friend, and seeing Jamal Re-appear after all these years made me despise the man even more.

    All this thinking was taking its toll on me. I was feeling sick all the time. I had tremendous head-aches. I wanted to go home so bad. Morphius walked through the stained glass doors. He walked straight up to me. “Are you ready for your training?” He asked very seriously.

    “Say What?” I replied

    “Well, Casey, we must train you for combat. Get you ready for the ultimate face-off. These are not your ordinary Bums.”

    “And I guess you compiled a posse that specializes in fighting flesh eating Zombie Bums?”

    “Not completely, but its close enough.” He waged his finger in the air. “Follow me,” he said.I followed Morphius through an eerie great hall. At the end of the hall was a door that slid open automatically as Morphius approached. We both entered at the same time. The room we were in was huge, with an essence that gave me chills. I didn’t really know what to expect. The bright lights coming from the walls blinded my eyes like a summer sunrise. I had the feeling this was going to be a brutal training. I wasn’t looking forward to it. If it was fist fighting with another dude, I would stand a fighting chance. This was much different though. I had no idea what I was about to go up against.

    “Since this is not my field, I cannot continue anymore. Yoda will be your guide through the training process.” Morphius said as the old green face of Yoda appeared from the depths of the room. “My work here is done.” Morphius said as he casually walked back through the doors.

    “Pleasure to meet you it is,” said Yoda “Complete the four stages of combat you must. Blindside attack, Judgment, Saber-fighting, and the force. You ready are you?”

    “Actually, I don’t know what the h**l I’m doing, but whatever I’ve gotta do man.” I replied

    “Good that is. Begin your training will.” All of a sudden the lights got ten times brighter than they were before. So much so that I had to re-adjust my eyes before I could re-focus. A sharp pain in the middle of my back nearly put me to my knees. Anger now flowed through my veins. I twirled around to see the biggest backstabber in world history. It was Spider-Loc. He was dressed in a G-Unit Crip ninja outfit. I ran towards him and through a right hook. Spider-Loc caught it with his left hand and spun me around, putting me on my ***. “Think of a way to defeat him you must,” Screamed Yoda. “The chosen one you are, real is what you imagine!” Yoda’s remarks were just obserd enough to work. So I thought for a minute. What can defeat a G-Unit Gangster? It finally daund on me. Cher’s music can make any gangster cringe. I closed my eyes and focused my mind. I thought about Cher’s music, playing it very loud in my head. I could now here it coming through the walls. After a minute or so, the sound started blasting through the walls. I opened my eyes and looked directly at Spider Loc. He was in so much pain, he was crying and in the fetal position sucking his thumb. Yoda threw me a saber from across the room. It was blue, and it shined like the North Star. “Finish him off you must,” exclaimed Yoda “But use the force!” Lucky for me, my brother made me watch Starwars one summer. So, I had an Idea of what the force was. I focused my mind and let go of the saber. To my surprise it started floating. I was doing it, I was using the force. And with that, I flung the saber towards Spider Loc, thus ending the training session.

    The training session was the most vigorous task I had ever gone through. It drained me, both mentally and physically. I was extremely tired, never in my life was I so desperate for sleep. I started to fall asleep in the common room. My dreams wouldn’t leave me alone. Jamal, my parents, Leilani, and everything I cared about was eating at my soul. Feasting on it like a pack of ravenous Wolves. It felt good to rest my body after such a workout. I was sore, and Spider Loc left a bruise on my back the size of Texas. I prayed for a speedy recovery. I was going to need my strength if I expected to fight at 100%. The training really made me see what I was capable of. If I could fight at full force, I had confidence that I could single handedly save this land from sure destruction. I was starting to feel a lot better about the war at hand.

    Only when you have lost everything, can you do anything. This is the quote I played over and over again in my head. I didn’t really feel comfortable talking with anyone here. I felt awkward around all these things. My depression was growing deeper and deeper as the days went on. I knew I was going to go into this battle with nothing to lose. Yet, in the back of my mind I knew I had everything to lose. I need to lay it out on the line. This most definitely wasn’t a game. I now felt every emotion. Happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, and I could go on forever. My mind was in a fog as I saw Ronald McDonald, The Teletubbies, and Shrek pass one minute. And Santa Claus and Snoopy the next. I gazed out the window and saw Ariel, the little Mermaid, splashing up a storm. I was in the gym, working out with the incredible Hulk, when all of a sudden a voice was heard on the PA system. “All characters report to the great hall, for an urgent announcement.” It was surprising. It sounded as if it was going to be very serious. I followed the characters into the great hall, expecting nearly anything. Morphius made his way through the humongous crowd with a stern look on his face. It was obvious that something very serious was going down. Everyone was silent, itching to hear what Morphius had to say. “My fellow characters, I have stumbled upon some troubling news.” Morphius paused and took a deep breath. “This morning, at approximately 1600 hour’s local time. The Cookie Monster was kidnapped.” The room was now flooded with gasps and bloodcurdling screams. “We have logical reason to believe this is the Bums. We need to put together a team to rescue him, without the Bums knowing. We need to put together the slyest and sneakiest characters in history. This is vital, my brethren, for we cannot win this war without the cookie monster!”

    Everyone in the room was awestruck by this terrible news, but not more so than Big Bird. He was crying so hard, you could see the tears running like a faucet all the way down his 8 foot stature. I didn’t know the Cookie Monster personally, but I felt for every single character in that room. Morphius walked by and tapped me on the shoulder. “You need to come with me, now.” He said

    Morphius led me into a meeting room with a round table in the middle of it. Sitting around the table I saw Mystique, Inspector Gadget, The Pink Panther, Yogi Bear, And Dog the Bounty Hunter. Morphius was sitting at the head of the table. He started the conversation off, “The Bums have taken the Cookie Monster, what do we advise we do to get him back?” Asked Morphius

    Yogi bear was the first to reply “Why don’t we steal his picnic basket, eh Boo Boo,” Everyone looked at him with a funny look on there faces when Dog the Bounty Hunter broke the silence “Well, I’ve been bustin criminals for years brah, I say we just go in and wale on him brah.”

    “Wouldn’t that attract attention?” asked the Pink Panther “I don’t believe we can afford to lose anymore men, this plan will need to be perfectly executed”

    Morphius looked to be in deep thought. He finally put his glasses down and said “There is also the possibility that it could be a trap, I am not well educated on the intelligence of Flesh eating Zombie Bums. Does anyone have any paper? We need to devise a full proof plan.”

    “Go Go Gadget paper!” exclaimed inspector gadget as a huge stack of paper shot out of his hat.”

    “Thank-you,” said Morphius “Okay, here’s the plan. We will use Mystique to transform into the image of a Bum. After she is settled in, she can sneak the rest of us into the proximity, but we need to be careful, being seen is not an option here. Then, we will use Yogi Bear to steal the keys to wherever they are hiding Cookie Monster. Pink Panther will be the lookout, and warn anybody if a Bum approaches. Bums love chain, so Cookie Monster is probably wrapped inside of it. Inspector Gadget can then summon a laser to break the chains. Dog the bounty Hunter, well, Dog can serve you guy’s celebration drinks when you get back.” The plan was very skeptical. Nobody knew if it was full proof, but we had to take our chances. The Cookie Monster was too big of threat to lose. We needed to get him back. Yet, I still didn’t know why I was there. I remember thinking to myself, Why am I here. I had to confront Morphius.

    “Hey Morphius, what the h**l am I doing here dawg?” I said with frustration

    “Ah yes, how clumsy of me, Casey will be the leader of the mission, you follow his orders and do what he says at all times,” Said Morphius

    “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, ME! There has got to be some mistake here, I ain’t no leader dude. I couldn’t lead a pack of wolves to a holiday inn. I know that made no sense, but I’m still no leader.

    “Casey Casey Casey,” Morphius said “You don’t give yourself enough credit, you remember that time you led those kids to a safe recovery when they were kidnapped by nuns?”

    “Um, no I don’t recall that.”

    “Exactly, now make me proud.”

    I truly did want to make Morphius Proud, but I didn’t feel I was a good enough leader. I had no Idea what I was doing, I kept telling myself I can’t because I wasn’t sure enough about myself. That’s what plagued my whole biological family, and it saddens me that they turned out to be bad people. I turned around, looked at my bed, and sat down. I saw a letter with my name on it, and I was wondering what it was. I ripped it open with anticipation. I began to read it, wondering who it was from. The letter read

    ‘Dear Casey,

    I need to talk to you about something. I talked to my parents, MY REAL PARENTS, today, well just my mom. It was really depressing. My dad went back to prison for assault, and my cousins are in gangs and are not caring about anything. Then a brick hit me, I'm likely going to be the only person in my family to ever graduate high school. I want to be proud of them, because I am a piece of them, but it’s hard. My family isn't good, its saddens me. Just to know that my whole family is full of prison inmates, Murderes, Gang bangers, and drug addicts and dealers. I'm the only person in my family tree that has a chance to do something with there lives. Oh, and my little 15 year old cousin is pregnant. The 5 year old little innocent girl that I knew was pregnant, and the father was un-known. I hope I don't end up like them, I just want to know of somebody in my family that isn't ruthless, and heartless. It’s really shocking. I hope you get this before you start doubting yourself. You’re the greatest your family has ever produced, just remember that!

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Inner Self’

    The letter was something I wasn’t expecting. Why would my inner self give me one of my diary entries at the age of 15? I had to think about it. The it all became obvious. My inner self wanted me to believe. All that stuff inside was motivation, and it was true. I was the only person in my family to make something of themselves. I was now pumped up, I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I was anxious to get out there and lead the team to success. Then I heard a voice from the hall. “Master Casey, its time to head out.”

    “Lets do this thing!” I exclaimed

    We set out with the assumption that we were going to take back the Cookie Monster from the grasps of the Bums. I was eager to prove my ability to be a leader.

    “Everybody listen up,” I screamed “Outside the walls barriers is dangerous. We need to stick together and watch each others back. If a Bum comes and asks you for money, kill it. We cannot have anybody blowing out cover. Now everybody stay close.”

    We headed outside the gates of the Castle. It was silent, way too silent. It was certainly eerie. There was a slight breeze. Inspector gadget was holding onto his hat, to keep it from blowing away. We started walking towards the MC Hammer mansion, which was the headquarters for the Bums. We walked for several hours when suddenly, I heard a bloodcurdling scream. It was Mystique, with a Bum asking for change by her side. It was a horrible site.

    “Kill him! Before she becomes one of them!” I screamed

    “Go Go Gadget AK-47!” exclaimed Inspector Gadget as he shot down the Bum with several rounds.

    “Pink Panther, go comfort Mystique. That was the scariest thing she’s ever been through. We will rest her for awhile. But we need to get to the mansion before nightfall.”

    Everybody was really shaken up by what had just happened. It was awful. A Bum asking for change. I felt so sorry for Mystique, knowing that she was defenseless against the wrath of the Bums. I could see by the look in there eyes when they asked for change. These were not ordinary Bums. These Bums probably wanted to put you in their tip cup and spend you on Crystal Meth. I gave everybody a little while to collect there thoughts as they moved on.

    “Mystique, are you going to be alright?” I asked, voicing my concern.

    “Yeah,” she took a deep breath “I’ll be okay” And with that we headed towards MC Hammer Mansion, not knowing what to expect, everybody was just so scared.The object of the heist was simple, get the stolen property and get out. Bada Bing Bada Boom. But it wasn’t as simple as we thought it was going to be. We quietly snuck into the MC Hammer Mansion, using state of the art Sneak training given to us earlier by Mr. Kool Aid. We all crashed through the walls. It was a trap! They had been expecting us.

    A deep yet high pitched voice came booming across the room as the leader of the Bums did a funky dance over to us. When we all looked at him, it was obvious who it was. It was MC Hammer himself, mastermind of this marvelous ambush. “Haha, now I’m the best Rapper, and doing a good job as a leader. “KILL THEM ALL!” he shouted.

    “Wait, MC Hammer I’m willing to make a deal with you.” I said

    “Oh really, and what is this courageous offer?” he replied

    “If I can beat you at a freestyle battle, one round. You can kill me, and let my friends go. Come on Homie, it’s an offer you shouldn’t refuse.”

    “Hmmmm, you’re a foolish yet smart individual. You do know I haven’t lost a freestyle battle in over 500 years. I accept your challenge, Step on the stage!

    All of a sudden MC Hammer pulled out a magic wand, waved it, and a stage appeared right before the eyes of the entire mansion. The Host flipped the coin. I won the toss. I selected MC Hammer to go first. I was extremely nervous. The DJ started the beat, it was really funky. MC Hammer began his rap.

    “Yo, check it. I’ve got hot bars, you can call me beef, cause’ I’ll make your face hit the curb in the street, you look like a goose, the other white meat, small my feet, yo, they small so good, You’d be surprised just to know that I came from the hood, I’m MC Hammer, fool, you’ll never touch me, cause’ I still celebrate my birthday at Chuck E Cheese, your face looks like a disease, you should work at Frosty Freese, Then at least you’ll be true, Cause’ after this rap I’m gonna kill your friends in front of you.” With that the beat stopped, and the crowd went crazy over that one punch line. I had my back against the wall. The beat started because it was my turn to spit. I felt like throwing up, but then I thought about my friends in the crowd. I couldn’t let them down. I had to win this battle. I cleared my throat.

    “Okay, Okay. Listen man listen. Yo, Yo. You wanna battle me, dawg you just a disgrace. You as ugly as the mole on Mr. Atkins face. I heard you talking ****, you wanna ball with me? When I play monopoly I still get out of jail free. Last person you touched got an STD, or HIV. Whooped your *** on the big screen T.V.You get the recipe? h**l no, yous a Ho. And I heard this will be your second loss in a row. I’m the greatest, from here and beyond. The original freestyle Don, two lines and you’re gone. Best start lookin for new freestyles to spawn. I’m sorry, lookin at your face I had to laugh

    And you stink so bad you get angry letters from the bath. You gonna feel my wrath, when I run up. And bring more heat than Kona when the suns up. This dog remind me of Europe, Sweeter than maple syrup. If you claimin gangsta, Watch out cuz

    I see you got a bigger rack then your ***** does, that’s a fact, so you better check how I react. Imma lead my team to victory, I’ll never be sacked”

    My freestyle was flawless. Everyone in the crowd erupted into a jolt of energy. It took a long time to calm them all down. I was amped, it was a unanimous decision. I won the battle. But I sensed evil in the air, as MC Hammer put on an evil grin. Something wasn’t right.

    It was a trap, MC Hammer didn’t keep his promise. “Send them to the Dongon,” he hollered, you could feel the frustration in his voice after realizing that he had lost the battle.

    “Oh h**l no, im gonna get you for this!” I scramed as a force of Bums carried the remainder of us across the great hall into the dongon.

    We were thrown forcefully by the Bums, they informed us of our hanging at noon the following day. Was this it? All that just to die by the Bums. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was forcefully taken. Now I was pissed at Morphius for getting me into this predicament. It was utterly obserd. Then I realized something, the lock on the door was the same as my Cousin Brandons. He was a Locksmith back in Reno, Nevada. I knew I could sneak over and pick the lock. I motioned for everybody to stay as quiet as possible. Brandon tought me that for most of us, the most familiar lock is the standard dead-bolt lock you might find on a front door. In a normal deadbolt lock, a movable bolt or latch is embedded in the door so it can be extended out the side. This bolt is lined up with a notch in the frame. When you turn the lock, the bolt extends into the notch in the frame, so the door can't move. When you retract the bolt, the door moves freely. A deadbolt lock's only job is to make it simple for someone with a key to move the bolt but difficult for someone without a key to move it. In the next section, we'll see how this works in a basic cylinder lock. It took me 15 minutes to pick the lock.

    “Bingo,” I whispered loudly “Hey everybody, lets go get the Cookie Monster, he’s in the cell across the room.” Following my lead, I lead the team across the hallway without being seen by any of the patrolling Bums within the area. We quikly made our way to the Cookie Monsters cell and extracted the Lock. I put the Cookie Monster on my Extreamly Muscular back and we began to make our decent out. But then all of a sudden one of the Bums came from out of nowhere and began to shout. We all thought we were doomed.

    Then to our surprise he fell to the floor, out cold. And Dog the Bounty Hunter was standing on the other side. With a deadly smirk upon his face.

    “Dog, You saved our lives!” I exclaimed

    “You think I’d miss this party?” he replied

    Then we all realized we had to work quickly, we assembled outside the quarters of the mansion very quickly. We began our decent down the mountain. It looked as if we had succeded. But we still had a long way to go before we were able to get the weakened Cookie Monster back home were he belonged. He was greatly fatigued and if we didn’t get him back to the castle very quick. There was a good chance that he was going to die before we made it back into the castle. We had been deprived of Cookies for a long time now. He had lost much weight, as you could see the veins coming out of his stomach as he contantly muttered “Cookieeeeeeeee, Cookieeeeeeeeeeeeeee,” We needed to collaborate. It was the Cookie Monsters only hope. We worked all day, as well as most of the night, taking turns carrying the Cookie Monster home. We new he had to be alright, we couldn’t have risked all of our lives to save somebody that was goinf to die anyway. It wasn’t worth it. I was willing to single handedly take the cookie monster to his rightful home. I could see the castles lights in the distance. We were almost there.

    Everybody began to jump for joy as we entered to Castle walls, there, we were greeted by Morphius. Who was about to give a toast. He raised his Champane class in the air.

    “Heres to the Heroic, and brave Soldiers who risked there lives to save our beloved Cookie Monster. The Easter Bunny came around and delivered Champagne to everybody, as the Cookie Monster was hulled away with an I.V. filled with cookie dough.

    “As for you, Dog the bounty hunter.” Morphius continued, “You have proven to me that you are a valuable member of this elite squad. I could not believe it when I was informed about your actions. If you hadn’t been there at that exact time, everyone would be dead, and we would surely be destroyed. So this is a toast to new beginnings, and to you. Dog the bounty hunter.”

    “I can drink to that!” exclaimed dog, as everybody in the castle jumped up and down with an unending hymn of praise. The Celebration was very long and relentless. We all partied all night long and slept most of the day. The day of the battle was near, we could all sense it. I woke up that morning with my pimp cup in my hand. My pinky ring that I often used at rap battles had a Twinkee on it. I felt like I was going to throw up. I got out of bed and rushed toward the bathroom. To my dismay, Bob the builder had Diarrea this morning. I was shocked! How could Bob have diarrhea when he knew perfectly well that I had a sensitive stomach? He was going to get a piece of my mind if and when he got out of that bathroom. I had no Idea Bob the builder was like that. I was waiting to spring out of nowhere when Bob the Builder got out of the bathroom, but then I realized something. Bob the Builder has power tools. So I decided to gather up a posse before I confronted Bob the Builder, for my own protection. So I gather the rest of my posse which included Barbie, Willy Wonka, and Johnny Quest. We all decided I was going to call him out. As he walked out the door I screamed at the top of my lungs


    There was a very stern and confused look upon Bob the Builders face. “Casey? What happened to you? Your acting really strange? Did you get bit by one of the Bums? OH MY GOD, CASEY, YOUR FOAMING AT THE MOUTH, HELP!HELP!HELP!

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