
Can i get this good?

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My master in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu), says that he has training in Martial arts training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu), Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan, Muay Thai, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Hapkido, Aikido, and Maharlika Kuntaw says if I keep training with him someday I will be this good. Is this possible?

Can i get this good by following my master Ninja?




  1. Of course you can get this good, but your master is obviously still keeping some secrets from you:

    What he didn't tell you, is that (looking at the video) he has quite obviously received some training in the deathliest of all martial arts: kung fu do.

    Until he initiates you to kung fu do, it will be impossible for you to get this good... but do not rush him... be a diligent, hardworking disciple, and eventually your shifu will reveal to you the secretest secrets of kung fu do masters.

  2. I really like the movie of your master.  I'm thinking the other posters didn't watch it.

    I think you can get as good as your master, but the secret techniques (defending attack from behind) may not be possible.  The reason you can't learn the secret techniques is that your arms are too short.  Your master has gone through he shaolin Oran-Gu Tyan ceremony which you are not eligible for.

    You are lucky to train with such a great master.

    Carry on Grasshopper!

  3. Of course it is possible to be great.  It will depend on the level of committment you put into it.

    I would be leary however, of a martial artist that claims to be an expert in that many disciplines.  It is one thing to have experience in different styles.  Most, however, only become very good at one or two.

  4. If its in you to be that good, and if your master is willing to teach you everything he knows yes its definatly possible for you to be that good.
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