
Can i grow into telekinesis?

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i wasnt boren with it, but i really REALLY want to be telekenitic, do you think their is a way? if there is tell me please! and if you found on a website can you give me the link please! and if you an tfind anything then i guess i cant be telekentic




  1. Yes, it depends on  what you have asked.

    I will try to explain- these qualities are given first as a whole and then comes specialisation- some become clairvoyants, other healers, other - influencing minds/mags/ for serving some causes, for defense /from black magik done on them before they knew at all abou this/ etc.

    In some cases one could possede several skills- f.e.clairvoyant and healer, mag and numerologist etc.

    So you could perfectionate- just concentrate on your wish.

  2. yes yes yes yes you can develop telekinesis or "grow" in to it as you say just like me but I use telekinesis in a diffrent way I use telekinesis as a repel from physical forces such as when a ball is coming at me I repel it or deflect it away or when I'm really scared like when a car is comeing at me I can use telekinesis to repel the car away avoiding crashing it in to me so we can say this is like a defence mechanism for me and if I can do it you can do it if you need help I can help you by giving techniques. Think about it. And I don't know why people want telekinetics to show them selfs to public or universities telekinesis is not to entertain people or become a scientific experiment people use it for them selfs not for you or science

  3. Sorry I have bad news for you, but I don't think so. So many people have tried and nobody has shown any ability so far. The stuff in the movies? Not real. But if you want to freak people out, become an illusionist. It's the next best thing.

  4. No, you can't 'grow into' being able to break the laws of physics.  And no one is born with it either.  But plenty of people will lie to you (or delude themselves) about their 'gift', and plenty more will take your money to 'teach' this to you.  But it's not real.

  5. Like others have said, to date there is not much reason to think that such powers actually exist. There is some research, but their only results are with micro-PK (influencing moving objects in microscopic way, such as rolling dice) and not in moving macroscopic objects, and even those results are mired in debate and doubt. See link below.

    If you want a web site, try It has plenty of exercises for learning telekinesis, but be aware, nobody has ever demonstrated telekinesis from learning at this website or any other. You would be the very first in human kind to do so. Good luck :)

  6. Some people think that such a thing is real, but the ability to move things with your mind has never been scientifically proved to be possible, so you are not ever going to be able to grown into it even if you practise.

  7. Don't feel bad, neither can anyone else. It's pure hocus-pocus.

  8. Many claim TK/PK is real but as of yet not one single person has been able to demonstrate this ability.  Draw your own conclusions.

  9. you can evolve into it

  10. I have listed links below to web sites that claim to instruct people in telekinesis.

    I highly suggest that you first read the scientific research on psychokinesis (the more current term for telekinesis) and I have provided links to allow you to read/find that research below.

    Briefly, the research suggest that objects in motion (thrown dice, random number generators, decaying radio active particles, etc) are easier to influence (not control) than stationary objects (levitating an apple).

    There is no evidence (or claims) that people can throw fireballs, stop a speeding car or levitate their friends.

    On the last link I have included a video of Nina Kulgina that demonstrated her abilities while observed by scientist in a controlled laboratory environment. While her abilities can be replicated with magic tricks no skeptic or magician to date has ever duplicated her abilities under the same conditions. Thus, the hypothesis that her performances were tricks is an untested and unsupported assumption.

    Edit: Once again the YA Priesthood of Psuedoskeptics tries to keep scientific information that contradicts their personal beliefs from being seen by the public (and people that want to know enough to ask about it) by their thumbs down attempts at censorship.


  11. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis in the pseudo scientific research literature.It used to be called mind over matter.They'll probably be coming up with something new shortly.The answer to your question is no.I'd REALLY like to do it as well.I've probably been looking into it longer then you've been alive.Probably longer then your parents have.It's not something humans can do.You can listen to folks who say it's possible.Ultimately you will end up disappointed.Intentionally or not they are misleading you.

  12. i truly believed it was possible and failed.

    this failure is nothing to do with my mind not being strong.

    my experience is absolute proof that if you wish to do this being convinced you can, is not enough. no-one has proven thier ability to do this yet, so we must wait to see if this and other mental advances become realitites in the future.


  13. You can't technically "grow" in to telekinesis. It would be something you would have or have aqcuired or born with. However, nothing has been proven that there is such things as telekinesis. There has been more evidence as to disprove such things. Go take an introuductory psychology class, they talk about ESP and all that kind of stuff in some chapters.

    If anyone claims to be telekinetic, highly doubt them and evaluate the truth of it.

  14. Yes. Telekinesis is possible.

  15. through deep meditation

  16. It is like any other ability, you can learn it, but some are more adept at certain things than others... but yes, you can learn it.  See if you can find a spiritual/psychic group near you and they may have classes or someone you can talk to about that particular gift.... has alot of groups, try there.  Don't be discouraged... it takes practice.  And it is an actual gift, it does occur, just because "science" can't explain it, doesn't mean it can't happen.

  17. You can't grow into telekinesis, nor improve it, or develop it.

    You're born with the gift, it's the only way, like clairvoyance, or receiver from the outside world...etc

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