
Can i make PGA?

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I'm only 14.. and i have a handicap of 11. Is there a chance of making the PGA? It is only my dream.. i wish i could make it. I'm willing to practise a lot during the summer.. I'm going to CJGA next year. Do you guys think i have a chance? btw, i'm pretty sure i can be single this year. also i hit my driver around 260, and my short game is alright.




  1. one word bro.


    that's the best way to get noticed by colleges.

    i'm not saying you have to go play college golf to go pro, but it's the easiest and best way to perfect your swing if you don't want to just simply rely on lessons.  the coaches at colleges are there for a reason... they're the best golf coaches in the country.

    it's hard to make the pga.

    something like 1 in 100,000 some golfers make it.

    but h**l, there has to be 1.

    be dedicated, play everyday after school (9 AT LEAST.  you SHOULD play 18), and make it to state and be in the top tier there.

    if you're not doing any of those, there's no way you can make it to the pros.

    there's always the hooter's tour though.

  2. Keep working at it - just don't let everything else suffer for your dream, just in case it doesnt work out.  Be sure to still do well in school.

    ...and work on the short game, thats where the great players are made.

  3. A PGA tour caddie said, "If you can't shoot par or better at any course, any time, don't bother."

    Since you are that good and are only 14, I'd say you have a good chance if you can make that jump to the next level. Keep at it and do everything you can to get noticed. Do everything you can to get better but don't give up everything else...mainly school. Good luck


  4. Participate in a couple of Opens and see how you match up before spending all that money to enter a large scale tournament.

  5. Yeah it's possible. You aren't great *yet* but you're still pretty d**n good for 14. Keep at it.

  6. Yeah you could, I'm 12 and I'm a 1 handicap.

  7. First things first!  When you are able to shoot to your handicap on courses which have a good degree of difficulty and you are in the top 5 consistently in the CJGA competition, then one might say that you have potential. Now you are competing in a higher area of talent. We will talk again when you have reached this strata.

  8. Most likely not.

    Keep in mind that Tiger plays to a +15 handicap.  Meaning a scratch player would be getting 15 strokes from Tiger.

    By 14, most kids have indices in the low single digits.  

    Keep in mind that for every guy on the PGA Tour, there's a boatload in the Nationwide Tour.  For every one of them, you've got a boatload in the Hooters/NGA Tour.  For every one of them, your local/regional mini tours.  For every one of them, a group of guys who all have game.  

    I play to a 4.9 index (pushing 40 y.o.), and even if I spent the next decade practicing 5-6 hours a day, my Champions Tour chances would be roughly to that of winning the lottery.

  9. For sure. I shot about 95 at your age but I ended up playing AJGA my junior and senior years in high school shooting around 74-75. I got really sick of golf and I didn't get a scholarship to any big schools so I quit competitive golf and just went to a D1 school where I still play casually.

    I disagree with some of the things said above. In high school I didn't really  have a 'coach', I just had some guy that watched up play golf but didn't really help and we played 9 holes every day for practice...4 days per week. My senior year we had a real coach come in and we practiced our short game at least 2 hours/day and only played 9 holes once a week unless we went out by ourselves on weekends. I improved a TON just working on short game.

    Work on your mid-irons and pitch shots the most. When you start getting longer off the tee then focus on 70-120 yard wedge shots.

    Here's a good drill for putting. Put two tees a putter-length apart. Take two balls and put from one tee to the other. If you hit the tee with both balls, +1 point. If you hit with one but miss with the other, 0 points and if you miss with both, -1 point. Do this to 20 points every really will help.

    Hope some of this helps!
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