
Can i?????????????

by  |  earlier

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so ive this major sailing race in the young sailors championships and just recently ive started my period, this race is in about 2 days and i'll still have my period and i was wondering if i could still go sailing.

wearing tampons is't an option because it's my first time and they say it's uncomfortable and plus i don't like the idea aswell so do you think i'll be able to go sailing?

i know you don't be in the water but still what if i need to capsize?

anyway in sailing i wear a swimsuit and swimming costume underneath so please answer my question





  1. It should be ok, if you do end up in the water then, yeah, i guess your pad would soak up all the water and no more blood, if you do then make sure the first thing you do when you get back onto land is go and change your pad.

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