
Can i receive unemployment??

by  |  earlier

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iam 3 months pregnant and for some reason cant find a job the job i had was very dangerous i never had job longer than 4 months i have no other way of income...and need too pay a electrictiy bill is there any way they will give me unemployment???




  1. well it doesn't hurt to ask/apply. stop by your local unemployment/job services office they'll be able to answer your question at best.

  2. I don't believe that you are entitled to unemployment, nor do you mention what state you live in, but you should be eligible for Government assistance which should help you with your utility bills, all medical costs for your baby including and not limited to formula, etc..after his/her birth and possibly even food stamps.  Sometimes we just have to swollow our pride and get the help where it is available.  God Bless You and Good Luck to you and your little baby.

  3. I serouisly doubt it.

  4. To collect unemployment you have to have paid in to unemployment the year before.  You also have to lose your job by getting fired.  You can't quit a job and then expect to receive unemployment.

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