
Can i register a gun?

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my granpa (RIP) was a cop in mexico (BACK IN TH DAY WHEN THEY WERE REAL COPS NOT THEIFS) he had a hand gun that i would love to bring to california. it was never registerd in mexico can i be able to register the gun here (California) since it has always been in mexico and there is no paper work on it.




  1. If you get it out of Mexico, I would not register it any where,it's really no ones business whether you own a gun or not.

  2. Registering is not the problem importing is

    Contact a registered importer for more info

    There are two listed at that may be able to help you

  3. I'm amazed the mexican military hasn't seized it. They have gun control as strict as UK and it shows in how high the crime rate in Mexico is.

    Above is correct. You do need to fill out some forms and have it transferred to you name in Kalifornistan. But I'll be amazed if the mexican military will even allow it. The WILL seize it if they know about it and it WILL either be sitting in some room with other unlawffuly seized guns or go to the cutting saws.

    I live in AZ and mexico is always bitching at us about our guns laws. I couldn't give two s***s what they think.

  4. I travel in and out of the US all the time and I have never, ever, had to provide any kind of papework at the border about ownership of my guns.  You are a us Citizen and it is now your property - you should have no issues comming back to the US and declare you are traveling with an unloaded firearm.  

    You do not need to jump through any import rules - you are not a firearms importer and it is a private ownership - you are not importing it for the expressed reason of sales.

    Do you need to register it in California?  Nope.  Registration is only for new firearms.  People move to California every day and bring their guns from another state.  

    Do you need a permit to carry it outside your home?  I am pretty sure this is what you need for California.  So, get a handgun permit and then bring it back.

    Hope this helps  

  5. Your biggest problem will probably be getting it across the border.  Once you get it into the state, it is a simple matter to have the transfer of ownership approved (technically it isn't a registration).  What you will need to do is download the Operation of Law/Intra-Familial Transfer form, fill it out and send it to the Department of Justice with your check of $19.  I have included a link to the form.  This is one of the few transfers that does not need to be completed through a licensed dealer, therefore there is no 10 Day Waiting Period, no need for the handgun to be on the California Approved List, and you only have to be 18 years old. Though the instructions are not clear on this point, you still need to have a Handgun Safety Certificate (the cost is $25 and should be available anywhere that sells handguns) and have either a California approved safe or locking device.  I've also included a link to the DOJ site, check out the FAQ and list of approved safes and locking devices if you have questions.

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  I checked and verified that the law requires that you complete the Operation of Law/Intra-Familial transfer if and when you obtain possession of the firearm.  I am not absolutely sure about the amount of time you have to do this, but 60 days is a reasonable estimation.  This is based upon the fact that you have 60 days to report the handguns you bring into California when you move here, but that requires a different form (New Resident Handgun Ownership Report) and $19 per handgun.

  6. yeh you should it will require a lot of time but you should
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