
Can i teach english in australia?

by Guest44922  |  earlier

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Can i teach english in australia?




  1. It depends. Are you a qualified teacher? Do you have a teaching degree? English is a subject taught in all primary and high schools in Australia.

  2. Yes... I don't know why anybody shouldn't. Plenty of people in Australia speak English and it is a peaceful country although they suffer from a drought. I would recommend Sydney.

  3. Yes you will have to register as a teacher in the state you live/teach in.

    Search the net for more details - a lot of overseas qualifications are recognised in Australia.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Yes you get to , because not only at shcool is it a main

    subject , but you can also teach to many migrants in our

    colleges or turn up and run your own school.

    there are enough people entering Australia that want

    to get work and look to better their language skills.

    And about the guy above going on about a Drought !

    I live here in Australia...and the only DRought is in the areas

    of Farming (some) scattered in different States.  The

    citys are like anywhere else.

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