
Can i use?

by Guest64504  |  earlier

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i am going to one of the jonas brothers buring up concert tours in hearshey PA at the star pavillion and i need to kno if i can use a digital camra and a camcorder in there or is it illegal? also what would the best type of camcorder be to buy for the concert for good picture and sound? i am in the back farther so i would need one with good zoom.





  1. It all depends on the decisions of all the copyright and property holders.  The recording studios have their copyrights on the music.  The show designers have their copyrights on the techniques and ideas used to create the 'look and feel' of the performance.  Most importantly, the location owners also have rights in controlling which people can enter their site and what they can bring in.

    There are rights - on top of rights - on top of rights, that were all worked out in contracts and agreements weeks or months before this tour stop was scheduled.  Each different group has their say on their particular piece of the puzzle, and usually all have to consider the topic of recording devices.

    Most concert venues and tour management groups do not allow camcorders or other recording devices to be brought in.  Some places also prohibit cell phones and enforce it with metal detectors and searches.  The reason for prohibiting cameras usually deals with other much larger legal concerns such as safety and security of the multitude of fans - not so much with copyright.

    - You might record an illegal act without realizing it, and someone could use your video to damage the tour, the venue, the Jonas Brothers, or one or more of their customers - the fans.  You might be there to stalk someone.  You could also be there to record security techniques for analysis and use in an unlawful act later.  Finally, some member or employee of the tour or management group might do something stupid.  The company would probably like to handle it internally and give the person some privacy in their problem, but your video might make things worse if it goes public.  Your intentions might be honorable with your video, but someone else might use your video for the forces of evil.  No fan or associate of the Jonas Brothers want to see their tour shut down because of a criminal investigation, nor do you want law enforcement agents and lawyers searching your house with a search warrant in connection to such activity at a Jonas Brothers event.

    You must also consider possible damage or theft of your camcorder.  If you are in a group that suddenly shifts or a fight breaks out resulting in damage to your camcorder, who is responsible - you?  the pavillion?  members of the crowd - if so, which ones?  If the camera is stolen, who is responsible then?

    The Star Pavillion is private property.  It is not a criminal act to bring a digital still camera or a camcorder into the Star Pavillion - even if they say not to, but it can become a civil case if the owners or tour group decide to sue or press charges for 'trespassing, fraud, or theft'.  If you do record the video or still photos and you show them to anyone without permission from all the right people, then you may have committed copyright infringement which is a Federal Crime, but it starts with a civil claim by the copyright holders.

    Obviously, you or someone you know like the Jonas Brothers, or you would not want to record them.  The best thing you can do is contact Star Pavillion, Hollywood Records, or the Jonas Brothers management group.  Start by explaining your request and the simple reasons for it.  Even if they are prohibiting the general public from recording, you might be given special permission and even a special safe place from which to record.

      *** Even if one group says no, try the next.  If get a group to say yes, then they can usually help you get in to record.

    * If you are allowed to record, there will be limitations or agreements.  Know and understand them.  The usual limitations will be no recording in the restrooms, changing rooms, or other areas for private use.  Even we have to abide by certain agreements when we are allowed to film events.

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