
Can it be possible?

by  |  earlier

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can it be possible that i am pregnant and still get my period the reason why iask because my period came on Friday June 20th in the after noon and later that day iwent to see if i needed to change my pad and i notice that i was not bleeding any more but then when iwoke up on Saturday inotice that my period had came back on and then went off on Tuesday June 24th before my period had came on i was feeling nausea in the morning and my breast were sore and had more headaches then usually so that made me think that i might be pregnant so i waited to see if my period would come on before i did a home pregnancy test and it did the cramps was not as bad as they usually are and it's been 2weeks since my period and when i wake up it still feel like ihave to throw up but never do and for the last couple days i been waking up feeling sick and going to bed feeling sick and my breast are still sore in some spots and i am still getting headaches so can somebody tell me whats wrong or what should ido




  1. I would take a pregnancy test just be sure. It doesn't sound like you are though because usually your b*****s hurt everywhere when you are pregnant.

  2. buy a pregnancy test. Then you'll know.
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