
Can male hamsters be friends??

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I have a long hair dwarf hamster and my friend has a Syrian dalmatian hamster can they get a long??




  1. i dont think they can... but if you  put them both in hamster balls and let them run around together they'll get along (that's what me n my friend do)

  2. no, they will end up fighting, and one will get seriously hurt or die.

    I would suggest just enjoying one hamster at a time. =]  

  3. NO

    Syrian hamsters are very solitary and territorial in nature. Introducing them to another hamster can cause vicious fighting and even death.Especially if you have a dwarf hamster and a syrian hamster together, the syrian can become very vicious towards the dwarf since they are completely different species of animals. So never try to introduce them to each other.

  4. No. Male hamsters don't get along. they will fight to the death to protect their territory. Males only get along if they are from the same litter. But even then they cant be kept together forever. males are very territorial and do not like to share their space. keep them separate. this is from experience.

  5. no. syrians are solitary, but, if you got another dwarf you could put them together.

  6. that a good question i had a dwarf male and a syrian male and put them to gether so i could clean both there cages out and they not fight syrian wasnt bothered by dwarf just sniffed him and walked of

  7. Only Dwarf Hamsters can be friends. They are the only specie that can be together in one cage. Any other specie would just kill each other.

  8. syrians no. you cant place a hamster in with a syrian hamster

  9. You may want to try to introduce them by placing the cages next to each other and let them get used to each others scent. The key is to introduce them slowly, such as holding them near each other. If after about 2 weeks of trying, and they still are agressive, just give it up.

  10. no they wont cause there in a different family and different  breed. They might even kill them seleves so its not good idea hope i helped :]  

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