
Can my boss withheld my paycheck?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i worked at this daycare that really really sucked right and i worked there for like 4 or 5 days and i got sick well i called in and then i called in again then finally i just quit well i contacted my boss asking her do i come up there to pick up my check? She said i will mail it to you i was like ok so i believe we got paid on the 1st and the 15th well it is now that 19th call her again today and she said you should have came to work and that she wasn't going to send mine til the end of the month?Ok so i hung up on her who do i need to get ahold because I no that you cannot hold someones check **** i got bills to pay as well ya know. thnkz




  1. file a complaint with your state wage and hour. no they cant withhold your check, however if they do there wont be an immediate solution as either wage and hour gets it for you or you sue for it.

    Good luck!!

  2. she can legally hold your last check for 30 days because you did not give a 2 week notice that you were quitting. good luck

  3. Contrary to the second answer, no law requires notice by the employee who is quitting or by the employer who is firing someone.  Your paycheck is due on the regularly scheduled payday for the pay period you worked.  Your state labor board can enforce that for you.  

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