
Can my brother be g*y?

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hes never really been too attracted to girls when i talk to him about having a girlfriends or somethning idk if hes being shy just because im his older sister or what. he'll usually take double takes of guys while hes walking but i usually never see him glance at girls. and he sometimes can be femine. can my brother be g*y?? and if so how do i bring the topic up to him?




  1. Of course he can, but he also could be a lot of other things too.  If you love him, all you need to do is sit back and let him tell you what is going on in his head.  Asking here isn't going to answer the question as only he can do that.

  2. sounds like it but just cause a guy doesnt want to talk about girls with his sister doesnt make him g*y. but if he is then give him time to come out.

  3. Lmao I thought the same about my brother.

    But no, he just doesn't feel comfortable talking about it with his sister.

  4. He could possibly be g*y

    I wouldn't bring the topic up because that would probably make him feel uncomfortable. If he's g*y he'll eventually reveal it when he's ready.

  5. Tell him you have a question to ask him and assure him that no matter what the answer is that you will love him as always and that you will be there for him as a confidant. Either that or wait for him to come to you and tell you when he is ready.

  6. If your brother is g*y who care's just love him for who he is

  7. I'm a big brother. I never talk about hot girls or anything infront of my little sister, mainly because she'll tease me about it and it embaresses me. I have had 9 gfs that she doesnt know about. Im 14, shes 12.

  8. First off, it shouldn't matter if your brother is g*y or not, it's really none of your business.

    Secondly, you shouldn't bring  up the topic.  If he is, and isn't ready to tell his family yet, he may become defensive and get mad at you.  

    It's never a good idea to rush a g*y person out of the closet.

    Lastly, embrace whatever he choses.  If his sister disapproves of his sexuality, he may fear for what his friends will think of him.  

    A lot of unaccepted g*y teens slip into severe depression, just so you know.

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