
Can my keyboard be saved?

by Guest57951  |  earlier

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Ok, my new puppy chewed threw my usb cord on my keyboard, is there anyway to replace it or splice it together or is it a goner? And so might be the puppy, I give her other things to chew on.




  1. Yes, if you splice it right, and use black electrical tape, you can fix it.

    These units cost about $12 bucks around here. How much are they where you are? (We as humans are supposed to be smarter than our animals. If gone, I suggest putting the puppy where it can't harm your stuff. If there, a LIGHTLY rolled up newspaper, and a swat on the head will cure this. The sound is what scares them. YOU are the master! By the way, the puppy loves you unconditionally.)

  2. Just replace this it wont be better you had an open wire tied up in electrical tape. It would be never be the same even when you get it all together.

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