
Can my rabbit eat Doritos?

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My husband thinks its ok to give him chips just cuz he'll eat it.




  1. If you want what's best for your pet, don't feed him anything that's not supposed to be in his diet. Stick strictly to what he is supposed to eat plus some occassional approved-rabbit-treats... and he'll live longer.

    Rabbits can be just as entertaining, intelligent and loving as a dog. So treat him well and feed him with the proper food to ensure that he will always be in the best of health. He'll love you for that.

    It's always fun and interesting to know just what exactly they DON'T eat... but, really... stick to their diet and what's best for them.

  2. no cuz it will mess up there dijestive track and a 50% chance in killing it so dont stick to lettace carrots and lil peices of potato is what i feed mine.

  3. You should contact your vet about this, but from my knowledge Doritos are considered to be junk food which is not healthy for an animal. I would not recommend feeding the rabbit chips.

  4. Of course not. It's like giving a kid junk food. Of course they will eat it. Doesn't mean it is good for them.

  5. Im pretty sure you could. I had a chihuahua that ate everything from steak, corn, pea's to a few chips an doritos now an than an she still lived 15 years. Just dont over do it, because fatty goods hit an animal harder tha humans, so maybe a dorito a day heh.

  6. It's best not to give him human food as it probably has alot of fat in. He might get health problems aswell. Just because he'll eat it isn't an excuse because rabbits and any other pet will eat anything if they have the chance so just stick to food specially made for rabbits.

  7. no...................

    it will eat it but it will be bad to it ...................

    rabbits are meant 4 carrot not artificial chips...............

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