
Can no longer run 5k?! wtf?

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Okay, so I went away on a residential trip for 5 days, and after coming back I went to go on my usual 5k run, but found that after 1k I was absolutely shattered. I thought maybe the trip had worn me out, so after eating and sleeping well i decided to try again, only to find the same thing happen. My legs begin to really hurt and I feel like I cant push myself to carry on for 25 more minutes. Whats happened to me and what can i do to overcome this?!




  1. I went on holiday for two weeks recently (did absolutely NO exercise and ate out every night so imagine how I thought I'd be able to cope!) but when I came back, I was more or less the same. Didn't put on a single pound and although the running was a bit difficult I still managed to do it. You've just got to force yourself. When you don't do exercise for a few days your fitness level drops sunstantially. The quicker you get into our routine, the easier it'll get.

  2. Stretch better before you run also drink lots of liquids. Try to continue to run through it. The longer you run the better you'll feel. Also try to warm up.

  3. A week off running takes a while to get back to fitness again. Chances are that at the residential trip with plentiful food, no training etc. you have lost some fitness. It will come back again, just go out a bit slower for your nect couple of runs and then go back to how you were

  4. its becuase you are running to slow..25 mins is 2 long to be running 5k

  5. Sorry but I am glad i read this question not just me feeling like this. I do find that my runs vary from good to bad on the time of the month though. (maybe only counts for females :S ) why dont you try it at a slower pace and see how you get on.

  6. try stretching a lot and eating things like bananas and bread. Also try walking 5k then the next day run it...don't try to be speedy just try jogging it. good luck!

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