
Can overwieght people Snowboard?

by Guest33717  |  earlier

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Can overwieght people Snowboard?




  1. as long as you can keep good control of your board and have good balance anyone can snowboard

  2. when i started snowboarding i was fattish. and I had the hardest time. and 2 years ago over the summer i lost a lot of weight, and i stepped on a snowboard in the winter and I did a lot better...

    so... decide what you want from that

  3. YES!! doesnt matter how much you weight, all you gotta know is how to snowboard!!

  4. i love this question.


    until they fall and roll down the hill.

  5. yes of course.

  6. Yes overwieght people can definetely snowboard. The only problem most overwieght people have is getting up on thier heel edge, Which is getting up while looking down hill. To get up on your heel edge, scoot as close to your board as possible, place one had betwenn your legs and grab the board, place the other hand  on the snow and push/pull your self up. An easier method is to get up on your toe edge. This involves getting up while facing up hill. Have your board sideways across the hill,dig your toe edge in then get up on you knees and stand up. I know it might sound complicated, but trust me it will make more sense when your on the mountain. Once your up it doesnt matter what your wieght is. Just have fun and try the toe edge to get up!!!!

  7. yes, anyone can

  8. yes, i see it all the time.

  9. anyone can

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