
Can people cry under water?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since i was 10, i have wondered if there was a such thing as crying under water.




  1. The tears would just go into the water, you wouldn't really notice. =)

    But yeah, goggles, you can cry in them and they'll fill up real fast.


  2. Well, in spongebob the fish cry underwater

  3. Yeah its definitely possible because you can sweat when you're under the water. So yeah its possible.

  4. You are only the at least 100th person to ask this. Please go on the search for questions mode before you waste 10 points.

    Just friendly advice, not being mean.

  5. well, you can definitely cry with goggles on underwater.

    And you can sweat underwater too.

  6. yes, with goggles. if you dont have goggles then you will be too busy covering your eyeballs with your eyelids to actually cry.

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