
Can runnig become addictive?

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I run everyday but i dont like it because im unfit and dont like running. My friend who likes to run and is good at running says that i will eventually love to run. He says that running is like crack to him. So is it true that if i keep running i will like to run more?




  1. Anything you do repeatedly can seem to become addictive..

  2. Strenuous exercise can facilitate your body to realease endorphins.  Also known as a runners high.

  3. Hello, my name is Jane Doe, and I am a runaholic.

    Yes, it can be addictive, headclearing and of course healthy.

  4. i wish it was like that for is hard for me to get out everyday and run but i just remember that i hate losing and that is what motivates me

  5. running is not like crack. Maybe your friend is on crack and he is using running as a disgusise

  6. It's like that for some people.  They call it a 'Runner's High'.

    It's supposedly caused by endorphins.

    Look, not everybody is built for, or will enjoy running.

    I have been a lifelong runner, and the health benefits, energy and other side benefits make it well worth it.

    Hang in there.  Give it time...

  7. Yes, it is true that running is addictive.Your brain releases endorphins when you run a long distance. I usually feel like I can run forever when i get "runner's high". People who are  "addicted to running" get grumpy if they go a couple days without runnung so yeah, running is addictive.

  8. you may like it more b/c you will be in better shape.  it actually gets better and if you run with friends or competively its really fun.  i started out hating xc b/c i was so out of shape.  but once you get past the first few weeks you start to feel real good.  i would give it a few weeks b/f giving up.

  9. Yes.  It's still work and sometimes painful and uncomfortable .... but sometimes when you've been training well for a while you start to feel the itch to go out for a run at the weirdest times, or you wake up and are already looking forward to your evening run.

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